Swap In Girl Scout Cookies To Shake Up Any Graham Cracker Crust

Girl Scout cookie season is arguably one of the best times of year. Whether your favorites are Thin Mints or Samoas, each cookie is delicious on its own. If you want to take things to the next level though, you can use your Girl Scout cookies to spruce up your next dessert.


You can use Girl Scout cookies to level up any graham cracker crust. To make a graham cracker crust, you typically combine melted butter and crushed graham crackers. Some recipes also call for sugar. To make the swap with Girl Scout Cookies, simply trade in the cookies for the graham crackers. Depending on the type of cookie you use, you might choose to incorporate the cookie's filling or leave it out. If you do incorporate the filling, you might need to play around with the amounts of butter and sugar in the recipe until you get the right consistency. It should be slightly crumbly and moist enough to stick together.

How to make graham cracker crust with Girl Scout cookies

To crush your Girl Scout cookies, you can use a variety of methods. A food processor is a great way to get the pieces really tiny, resulting in a smoother crust. If you like bigger chunks, you can also try placing your cookies in a ziplock back and crushing them with a rolling pin. Just don't leave the chunks too big, because then the crust won't hold together very well. You can even try using a mortar and pestle to grind up your cookies, though this might take a bit more time as you'll need to work in smaller batches.


You can make the cookie swap for just about any recipe that calls for a graham cracker crust, such as a cheesecake or a pie. When you're finished making your dessert, crumble up some of the cookies you used into larger chunks and sprinkle them over the top. This decoration will be just as eye-catching as it is delicious.

Types of Girl Scout cookies to use in graham cracker crust

Now for the fun part: The cookie and dessert combinations. Try combining chocolate pudding pie with a Girl Scout S'mores cookie crust. This is a time when you definitely want to include the filling of the cookie in your crust because that's where you get the classic marshmallow and chocolate flavors that a s'more is known for. Paired with the smooth chocolate pudding, you'll have a fun pie reminiscent of your childhood.


For a pairing for the ultimate peanut butter lover, try Do-Si-Dos with peanut butter pie. If you think that will be too much peanut butter, you could also combine Caramel Chocolate Chip with your peanut butter pie. For a lighter or fruity dessert, such as a yogurt pie or cheesecake, try using Lemonades or Lemon-Ups in your crust. And if you're looking for something more subtle that will allow the other flavors in your dessert to shine, use Trefoils with just about any recipe that calls for a graham cracker crust.

