The Additional Fruit You Should Add To Improve The Flavor Of Banana Bread

Banana bread is one of those ubiquitous bakes that everyone seems to love and never get sick of (even after baking it prolifically during the pandemic lockdowns). This treat's popularity is especially fascinating, given its humble beginnings — it was originally devised during the Great Depression as a way to use up bananas before they went rotten, coinciding with the availability of baking powder and baking soda to the public.


Obviously any dish this well-loved and long-standing is going to be subjected to a certain amount of reinvention, with walnuts, chocolate, and peanut butter being just some of the ingredients that have been added to banana bread recipes over the years. However something you may've never thought to include in your own version of the treat, that actually works extremely well (and is probably sitting on your counter at this very moment) — is the humble orange. This sweet, slightly sharp citrus will imbue your banana bread with an extra level of fruity flavor, without overpowering or detracting from its namesake. You still want your banana bread to taste like banana, after all. Not only that, it will increase both the moisture and tenderness of the dish. It can even help it to rise, should your recipe call for baking soda (which needs an acid, like that found in orange juice, to activate it). Orange will also complement other add-ins, like chocolate.


How to make this tip work for you

Embracing this tip is as simple as adding some finely grated orange zest or freshly squeezed orange juice, either straight into the batter or as a garnish. Bear in mind that you'll need to strain the latter first — no-one wants pips in their banana bread! Of course, you can also use store-bought orange juice if that's what you have on hand/prefer, though it may give a slightly different flavor. As for the matter of zesting, take care not to include any of the pith. This bitter white layer separates the orange zest from the fruit's flesh, and has a rather unpleasant taste.


This is also the perfect opportunity to consider what other ingredients you can add to your banana bread. If you don't already use chocolate, for example, now's the time to reconsider — orange and chocolate is a flavor combination as famous as banana bread itself, and makes for mouthwatering cookies too. Try stirring some chocolate chips through the mixture, or drizzle a little melted chocolate over the top of the loaf once it's cooled. Alternatively, think about sprinkling a small amount of clove, nutmeg, or cinnamon into the batter, all of which pair nicely with the flavors of orange and banana. Finally, why not make things even more delicious by garnishing your revamped banana bread with candied orange peel (orange peel that has been cooked and coated in sugar), or a simple syrup made from equal parts orange juice and sugar, brushed over the top of the hot bread. A little marmalade could also work well.


