The Ultimate Seasoning Addition Your Burgers Are Begging For

There's perhaps nothing quite as satiating as a well-crafted burger. The crowd-pleasing dish is a staple of any diner or backyard grill worth its salt. And if the idea of the perfect burger fills you with enthusiasm, you're not alone. From its potential origins in the ancient Roman period all the way up to today, people have been trying to find that nebulous, ideal burger. That's why online, you'll see tips on everything from giving your beef more flavor to finding the best kind of beef for your burgers. But in spite of all the burger advice out there, there's still one seasoning tip that might have flown under your radar.


Hopefully for both you and your guests, you're already seasoning your burgers. But have you ever considered adding some celery salt to the equation? This seasoning blend — made from regular salt that's mixed with dried and crushed celery seeds, leaves, and/or stalks — is the perfect stuff to kick your burgers into another gear. Celery salt is assertive enough to be a true player on your palate, but it's also delicate enough that it won't steal your burger's spotlight. In this way, it's a surefire way to enhance any burger.

Celery salt is surprisingly versatile

So, celery salt is a home-run seasoning for your burgers. Great, but what are you going to do with the rest of the bottle you bought once the grill is cold and the burgers are long gone? While some spices and herbs are one-trick ponies that may end up collecting dust in the recesses of your pantry, celery salt is thankfully not one of them. In fact, this seasoning can be used in a variety of dishes, some of which might frequent your dinner table.


As you may expect based on celery salt's success on hamburgers, you can use the stuff to add some wonderful character to other meat dishes. Beef will work, of course, but you can also use celery salt to season chicken to great effect (in fact, this choice is so good that celery salt is supposedly one of the ingredients in KFC's 11-spice blend). Fortunately, even if you don't eat meat, it can also be used in other savory, non-meat dishes. For instance, try using it in place of pure celery seeds for a great boost of flavor in your potato salad. And if you need a drink to wash it all down, whip yourself up a Bloody Mary, complete with a celery salt rim. Needless to say, you won't have to worry about sitting on that bottle of celery salt for too long — if anything, you might soon find that you need to refill your supply.


