Why You Should Stop Grilling And Boiling Your Hot Dogs

Chances are, if you're a lover of hot dogs, you've grilled or boiled your fair share of them. After all, these traditional preparation methods are pretty standard. Wouldn't you be surprised, then, to learn that these techniques are actually not the best ways to cook this staple?


Most store-bought hot dogs are pre-cooked so, even though you could technically eat them right away, most people tend to take the extra step to heat and prepare them. But don't bother boiling your hot dogs. It sucks all the flavor out and leaves you with rubbery, flavorless meat sticks.

Grilled hot dogs are generally preferred. They look fancy with the grill marks and they have a nice, smoky taste with a crisp outer casing. But they should generally be enjoyed as soon as possible after grilling or else that outer casing cools and shrivels, creating an unappealing texture. The burnt charcoal or ash taste that can sometimes linger is also a turn-off for some people. Above all else, though, the high heat from the grill tends to blister and dry hot dogs out. Instead, the best move is to put the hot dogs on the griddle.


The better way to make a hot dog

You can forget grilling or boiling because cooking hot dogs on a griddle with butter is the best way to prepare them. This pro tip comes courtesy of Chef Fred Maurer of NoMad Diner in New York City. "My preference for a hot dog is more about the dog than the fillings," Maurer told The Kitchn. "But whatever the dog, [it should be] ... griddled with butter. Never grilled."


To do this, Maurer recommends preheating a griddle over medium-high heat. While the pan is warming up, split your hot dogs down the center with a knife. Add a pad of butter to the pan and, once it's bubbling, place your hot dogs split side facing down. Apply pressure to the dogs so they get even contact with the pan, either by using another pan to weigh them down or by pressing with a spatula. Cook for about 3 minutes until browned, then flip and let it sizzle another couple minutes with a bit more butter. You can butter the bun and toast it on the pan before serving for a truly delicious experience.

