What Are Those Old Fashioned Strawberry Candies And Where Did They Come From?

People of a certain age all seem to have at least one shared experience, namely, a grandmother, great aunt, or older neighbor who had a seemingly limitless supply of delicious strawberry candies. These may have been accompanied by other (probably inferior) hard candies in a fancy candy dish, but the red foiled sweets with the gooey center are the most memorable. After a lifetime of not knowing, you can sleep easier now knowing their true name: strawberry bon bons.


These classic candies gained popularity in the U.S. after the Great Depression — a time when sugar sales were limited — and glass candy dishes became a status symbol. The vibrant strawberry design and sweet, gooey center made them a standout among other hard candies like mints and butterscotch. They were especially beloved because they resembled seasonal fruit — something that was harder to come by in those days.

However, these are not American-born treats. According to author and food and travel writer Doug Mack's website Snack Stack, their roots have been traced back to France in the mid-1800s, though there's no record of a specific company that invented strawberry bon bons, and they potentially existed for years before then. Once they had a place in the candy bowl, these fruit drops remained for decades to come, with the nostalgia element intact. In the 1950s, they were referred to as old-fashioned penny candies, and into the 1980s they were sold alongside other "old-time" candies.


You can still find them today

Maybe you're moving into your grandma era, or perhaps you just like the charm of a well-stocked candy dish. Either way, strawberry bon bons are still around and are relatively easy to find. There are plenty of online sellers, including Amazon, that offer them, and they can be found in Walmart and dollar stores. They come under a variety of different brand names, so they may not all taste exactly the same but they will have the look and juicy interior you expect. With more than 150 years of history behind them, strawberry bon bons have a kind of staying power that keeps them turning up in unexpected places — and not just at the bottom of a purse.


Vintage is always making a comeback, but the strawberry candies are evidently more than just a passing fad. They have a way of sticking around, not because they're flashy or reinvented, but because they carry a sense of nostalgia. They're tied to memories of childhood, simpler times, and family traditions. Like other old-school favorites such as Swedish Fish, these candies aren't just about the flavor — although they certainly are tasty. Strawberry bon bons bring a bit of the past along with them every time you unwrap one, and they are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

