11 Uses For English Muffins You've Never Thought Of

English muffins are a breakfast staple in many households, though they often take a back seat to regular bread, croissants, or bagels. With a distinctive chewy texture and the ability to crispy up beautifully, they make a great alternative to the other carbs when topped with butter, jam, or marmalade. While eggs benedict is the most famous dish with English muffins as the hero, they are capable of so much more beyond this, and can provide an intriguing alternative to many bread products for breakfast and brunch.


From garlic bread to grilled cheese, English muffins can make you rethink classic dishes and give them a new twist, while keeping their familiar elements. Their versatility means you can combine them with virtually any sweet or savory flavor, from eggs to avocados to maple syrup. So if you feel like upgrading your breakfast, grab an English muffin, keep your toaster at hand, and let's explore the unique ways you can put this delicious carb to use.

Avocado toast

Avocado toast has been a trendy brunch staple for a long time now, and is not showing any signs of losing its popularity. Usually consisting of an avocado mixture smeared on a piece of lightly toasted sourdough bread, you can give it a fun upgrade by switching out the usual bread for an English muffin instead.


The rough nature of the English muffin makes it perfect for this particular brunch dish. The creamy avocado topping will sink into the crevices of the muffin, meaning more of each mouthful will be infused with the rich texture. The muffin will also crisp up nicely on the outside, but remain soft inside, so the contrast will be more satisfying than your usual bread. Avocados are an excellent addition to a breakfast dish, as their heart-healthy fats will give you the energy to face the day and prevent you feeling the dreaded mid-morning hunger pangs. 

To create this fantastic variation, toast the muffin halves until they are beautifully golden on the outside. For a simple topping, a mashed avocado with a squeeze of either lemon or lime and a sprinkle of chili flakes will do the trick. For a more filling meal, add a runny poached egg and some crispy bacon bits for a salty hit. Finish it off with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and enjoy a wonderful, healthy start to your day.


Bostock bites

If you want to serve up a brunch with a difference, take a leaf from celebrity chef Curtis Stone's book, and use English muffins to make a variation of the classic breakfast favorite, Bostock bites. The Australian chef, who spent eight years in England working with Marco Pierre White, has a soft spot for the English muffin, and created a novel version of this breakfast dish to celebrate National English Muffin Day in 2021.


Bostock is traditionally made with brioche, which is then soaked in syrup and baked, creating a cross between a breakfast pastry and French toast. Stone's English muffin version gives the dish a unique twist, its chewy texture giving it a satisfying mouthfeel. The muffins are soaked in orange sugar syrup then topped with almond cream and sliced almonds, before being baked to create delectable morsels that are guaranteed to be a big hit with your brunch guests.

Tuna salad sandwich

Tuna salad sandwiches are a stalwart of packed lunch boxes across the country, and as a result can often be thought of as uninspiring. With a little imagination and some creative twists, though, including switching out the bread for an English muffin, can transform this classic sandwich into a modern lunch treat.


If you're wondering whether a tuna salad sandwich on an English muffin is going to work, you needn't worry, as this is the very bread swap that the great Julia Child made, creating a delicious open sandwich bursting with acidity. Canned tuna mixed with capers, cornichons, celery, and a squeeze of lemon juice made the delicious topping, while the toasted muffin created a nice texture contrast to the rest of the soft ingredients. As well as being rich in protein, canned tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for a healthy brain. Adding such healthy fats to a delicious sandwich is a great way to boost the nutrition in your lunch. Tomatoes and lettuce completed the salad aspect of the sandwich, resulting in a beautifully balanced lunch that will cause you to fall back in love with tuna salad.


Grilled cheese

Is there any more satisfying comfort food than a grilled cheese sandwich? Two thick slices of bread with whatever filling you're in the mood for, and gooey cheese oozing out of the sides? If you love grilled cheese but you fancy a change of direction, try using an English muffin instead of the bread.


The texture of the muffin is the key to why this variation works so well. The outside will toast and crisp up beautifully, but the interior will stay soft and soak up the delicious cheesy goodness, especially if you toast it first before adding the filling. The smaller size of the English muffins also means that you can create a smaller-sized snack than usual, though you can still pack as much filling in as you wish.

Once you've lighted toasted the muffins, you can start assembling the filling. Naturally, you will have to choose a cheese — cheddar, brie, or mozzarella are all excellent options, though you can use anything you like — and you can also get creative with additional ingredients. Tomatoes, bacon, and onions are all classics, but jalapenos, pineapple, or olives can also be added for an unusual twist. Add the filling between the two halves of the muffin, and some butter to the outside to help it crisp up even further. Heat the sandwich on a skillet, turning a few times until the outside is crispy and the cheese is looking perfectly oozy.



Bruschetta is a delicious appetizer or snack that brilliantly combines a slice of crispy bread with some ripe tomatoes, a couple of basil leaves, and if you're lucky, some cheese. If you don't want to upset any Italians, make sure to pronounce it brus-ketta, and if you fancy making a slightly less than authentic version, try switching the bread for an English muffin.


Traditional Italian bruschetta is often made using ciabatta bread, which is famous for the holes throughout the dough. English muffins have a similar bumpy structure to them, though the dough itself tastes very different. The craggy nature of the muffin will allow the topping to cling to the bread, and the olive oil can soak into it too, without leaking through onto your hands.

The key to a successful English muffin bruschetta is to toast them beforehand. The crispy outside will create a delightful texture and prevent the topping from soaking in too quickly. Chop up some ripe tomatoes, add a handful of fresh basil and a drizzle of olive oil, then spoon onto the toasted muffins. Add some torn mozzarella on top if you are in the mood for cheese, then serve as a light lunch or tasty appetizer.


Croque Monsieur

The French classic breakfast Croque Monsieur is one of life's indulgent pleasures. Essentially a thick cheese and ham sandwich topped with a rich bechamel sauce before baking, it is a wonderful balance of creamy, crispy, and downright delicious. A crusty French bread or a sourdough loaf are often used to create the exterior of this delicious snack, but an English muffin can do the job nicely, too.


English muffins are the ideal balance between a sturdy bread that can handle the sauce, and a softer option such as brioche, that will have a wonderful soft texture but will become soggy fairly quickly. A toasted muffin will hold the filling well and stand up to the weight of the sauce, creating an appetizing parcel with the perfect contrast of textures.

As the muffin is toasting, create a béchamel sauce in the pan with butter, flour, and milk. Once the sauce has thickened, season with salt and pepper and add some torn fresh herbs. Build your muffin sandwich by laying a slice of ham and some cheese between the two halves, then pour the bechamel over the top on a heatproof tray. Stick the whole thing under the broiler for a few minutes until the sauce reaches a golden brown color. Enjoy your muffin Croque Monsieur on its own or with a crisp green salad.


French toast

If you're planning a relaxing Sunday morning and need a breakfast to match your mood, French toast is bound to hit the spot. Soft, fluffy bread with a slightly crispy exterior, just waiting to be drizzled in maple syrup and a dollop of fresh cream — it's what weekends were made for.


Although brioche makes great French toast, English muffins are a fantastic alternative, as their slightly chewy interior adds to the enjoyable texture. The inside will soak up the egg mixture beautifully, and as soon as the surface hits the pan, it will create a wonderfully crispy crust.

When preparing your egg mixture, be sure to add extra flavor in the form of vanilla and cinnamon, or any other warming spices that you enjoy. A splash of cream will make the coating more indulgent, and the porous texture of the muffin means the mixture will soak all the way through. Add the muffin halves to a hot pan with some butter, and turn them after a couple of minutes, or when they have formed a lovely golden crust. Serve drizzled in maple syrup or honey, with some fresh berries to cut through the sweetness of the other ingredients.


Breakfast bake

If you need to serve breakfast for a crowd, or want a hearty morning dish that can be prepared the night before, a satisfying breakfast bake could be the answer. Usually packed full of protein in the form of eggs, sausages, and cheese, it traditionally contains bread to create structure, but English muffins make an excellent alternative. Their chewy texture will provide just the right amount of bite against the other soft ingredients, and the eggy mixture will happily soak into all the nooks and crannies.


The best thing about this breakfast bake is that you can add absolutely anything you want to it. Red peppers, tomatoes, spinach, and onion can all boost the nutrition, while feta cheese or Cheddar will give it a tangy lift. Assembling the dish couldn't be simpler. Cut the toasted English muffins into small cubes, then scatter on the bottom of an oven-safe tray. Mix the eggs with all the other ingredients, then pour on top of the muffins and top with a generous handful of cheese. It can then be covered and refrigerated overnight, or baked in the oven straight away. This nourishing breakfast dish will make a change from your usual cereal, and should keep you satisfied until lunchtime.

Garlic bread

Sometimes, you just need a savory snack to keep you going in the afternoon and satisfy the need for salt and umami, and garlic bread is a great way to fill that gap. If you don't have any garlic bread in the fridge, but you have an English muffin in the cupboard, you needn't go without. With a little creativity, you can transform your muffin into an easy snack or side dish in minutes.


A baguette may be the traditional choice when making garlic bread yourself, but an English muffin can be just as good, and even has some advantages. Firstly, it allows you to make a small portion, using a single muffin instead of using a large portion of baguette. It is much quicker and easier to slice the muffin in half than to start cutting into a French baguette to try and cut thin, even slices. The little holes in the muffin will also soak up the garlic butter, making each bite even more delightful.

To create sublime garlic bread, start by toasting the muffins lightly, while you make the garlic butter. Combine some minced garlic with softened butter and fresh herbs such as parsley. You can add some cheddar or Parmesan cheese into the mix if you want, too. Spread on the freshly toasted muffins, then broil for a few minutes until the topping starts to bubble. Enjoy it all on its own, or have it alongside your favorite pasta dish, to soak up the luscious sauce.



If you've never heard of panzanella, it's time to add it to your 'must-try' list. A classic Italian salad, it is traditionally made with stale bread, ripe tomatoes, and sliced onions. It is a rustic dish that relies on simple ingredients that are allowed to shine. English muffins can replace the day-old stale bread, as their chewy nature will give a similar texture and will soak up the dressing beautifully.


In advance of preparing your panzanella salad, you can always cut the muffin open and leave it out for a few hours, to replicate the traditional stale bread. Then, toast it lightly to create crisp edges, but keep the same texture inside. Chop it into cubes, or tear it up with your hands to retain the rustic feel. Roughly chop the tomatoes and slice the onions, then add to a bowl with the croutons. Make a salad dressing using good quality extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, mustard, and some seasoning. Drizzle the dressing over the salad, then toss well to ensure it coats all of the ingredients. Serve on its own as a light meal, or alongside an entrée.

Open-faced sandwich

If you are looking for an upgrade to the traditional sandwich, perhaps to serve as a fancy brunch for friends, then an open-faced sandwich should do the trick. Without the top layer of bread, you have the opportunity to let the ingredients and the presentation shine, giving an elegant twist to the usual run-of-the-mill bread offerings. By using half of an English muffin instead of the usual sourdough bread, you can create a sandwich that is easy to hold and can stand up to whatever toppings you choose.


For the ultimate brunch, try a spin on a topping that usually acts as the filling to a bagel, in the form of smoked salmon and cream cheese. This iconic combination is the ideal pairing of elegant salmon with indulgent creamy cheese to create a dish that is perfectly balanced and just the right level of filling for a light lunch.

To prepare your open-faced muffin sandwiches, cut the muffins in half and toast them until they turn golden brown. Cover each half with a generous helping of cream cheese, along with some fresh dill. Drape a slice of smoked salmon over each half, then top with a sprinkling of chopped chives. Each mouthful will delight your guests with rich salmon, creamy cheese, and a fresh burst from the herbs, alongside the crispy exterior and chewy middle of the muffin.


