Egg Yolks Are The Creamy Secret To Better Boxed Mac
And Cheese
While boxed macaroni and cheese is certainly tasty, there are inexpensive and time-efficient ways to make it taste even better. Adding egg yolks is one of the greatest ways.
The yolk makes the base sauce akin to carbonara when it mixes with the cheese mixture and milk, becoming custardy and creamy, giving it an opulent feel to your mac and cheese.
Like with carbonara sauce, temper your egg mixture with small amounts of pasta water before adding it to your mac and cheese to prevent the eggs from becoming a scrambled mess.
This transformation occurs because the proteins in egg yolks, when cooked, take on a thicker consistency, thereby enhancing the richness of your cheese sauce.
Being high in fat, egg yolks also add richness while amplifying other flavors in the dish. Moreover, they contain glutamic acid, which adds a burst of umami flavor.