Chocolate contains two things that can make you restless: sugar and caffeine. Caffeine is present in cacao, and dark chocolate can have almost as much caffeine as coffee.
Chocolate bars with a lower cacao percentage may give you less caffeine, but it contains more sugar, milk, and other additives that can give you a sugar high.
Certain kinds of cheese may impact your sleep by inducing strange, lucid dreams. In a 2005 study by the British Cheese Board, blue and cheddar cheese caused vivid dreams.
Cheese can also be disruptive to sleep due to chemicals. Gorgonzola, Parmesan, Asiago, and fontina have lots of tyramine, which stimulates the brain and makes it hard to sleep.
Capsaicin, the chemical in spicy foods, can disturb your body's ability to regulate temperature. Once that happens, getting a deep, restful sleep is very difficult.
Eating too many raw vegetables just before bed can affect your sleep, as your body has to work digesting the insoluble fiber present in cruciferous vegetables.
Since watermelon is full of water, eating it before bed could mean interrupting your sleep with bathroom trips. Also, one watermelon slice can have 17 grams of sugar.