Seared scallops in a pan with lemon wedges

Here's How To Sear Scallops The Right Way



Three seared scallops on a plate with lemon wedges and lettuce
Executive chef of Roscioli NYC Taylor Hester says that properly searing scallops requires a hot pan, an oil with a high smoke point, and a cooking time of a minute or two per side.
Plate of raw scallops beside bowls of butter and lemon juice
Hester first specifies that you should buy dry-packed scallops. Wet-packed scallops are too watery and therefore won't sear as easily, leading to a rubbery texture.
Plate of seasoned, raw scallops
Chef Hester says, "Once dry, season the scallops generously." Now they're ready to be placed in a hot pan with "a high-smoke-point oil and a little butter."
Scallops searing in a hot pan
Opt for a cast iron pan, which is the perfect tool for searing. Don't be afraid of the heat — if the pan is not hot enough, you won't get that magic sear you're looking for.
Seared scallops in a pan
Without overcrowding your pan with scallops, take Hester's advice and give them "1-2 minutes to sear on each side" for spongy scallops with gold-brown sears on both sides.