Hand sprinkling salt against a black background.

How Much Salt Does Your Pasta Water Need?



A person sprinkling salt into a pot.
While salting your pasta water, the goal is to add enough salt to impart flavor but not overdo it. Start by adding a teaspoon of salt per four cups of water.
Coarse salt in a bowl with a wooden spoon.
Once you’ve added your teaspoon of either table or kosher salt to the water, let your tastebuds be the judge. Scoop up a spoonful and try it out.
Hand adding uncooked spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.
The saltiness should be detectable, but not so intense that it turns your mouth inside out. Aim for a similar level of seasoning as you’d want in a soup.
The amount of salt will also vary depending on the dish you’re making. If the recipe is heavy on salty, briny notes, you may want to salt the water just a touch less.