Ina Garten smiling.
Ina Garten Has A Genius, Mess-Free Method To Cut Cauliflower


Ina Garten smiling.
Small fragments of cauliflower that always end up on the counter when you cut the vegetable are notoriously difficult to clean up. Fortunately, Ina Garten has a clever solution.
Ina Garten cutting a cauliflower.
As Garten notes on YouTube, cutting cauliflowers straight through the top is a mistake that can make the process messy. Instead, start by flipping the veggie so its core faces up.
Ina Garten cutting a cauliflower.
Then, use a large knife to cut around the core in a circular motion and pull it out. Lastly, pull large pieces apart, cut through the stem of each piece, and separate the florets.