Bowls of potato chips

Make Easy Homemade Potato Chips With This Microwave Method



There are various ways of preparing crispy and crunchy potato chips, but one of the easiest and simplest ways of cooking up these salty snacks at home is by using a microwave.
No matter which variety of potato you have, cut them into thin slices, soak them in water, and evenly space them out on parchment paper to cook them evenly without burning.
Soaking the potato slices in cold water before heating them can help the process along by removing excess starch. Otherwise, the chips might brown too quickly or turn bitter.
Next, place them in a microwave. Since a potato is 80% water, only a few minutes of microwaving can turn a papery thin slice into
a crunchy dehydrated chip.
Note that microwaved chips finish crisping up when cooling, so don't worry if the texture isn't perfect after cooking. You may also season them before eating for best taste.