Freezer filled with food containers and bags.
Save Freezer Space With Melissa Clark's Sauce-Freezing Tip


If you’re running out of freezer space and contemplating a chest freezer each time you wander through Costco, consider using Melissa Clark’s simple space-saving tip.
Clark demonstrated her space-saving method on Rachel Ray’s show by freezing liquid sauces into small, flat shapes and transferring them into airtight bags.
This method will allow you to stack multiple bags of sauce, soup, broth, or other liquids one atop another, taking up way less space in the freezer.
Additionally, with more surface area, the sauce will freeze more quickly, which better maintains the proper temperatures of your freezer.
The flat disk of frozen sauce also cuts down on air-to-food contact as it sits in the freezer, preventing more egregious freezer burn.
Simply freeze your liquids in a quarter-sheet pan, score the frozen liquid with a knife, and break it in half. Then, stack the two halves into your zip-top bag, seal, and freeze.