Bowl of black bean soup with red onion, avocado, and cilantro

Stop Making One Wasteful Mistake With Canned Black Beans



To truly get your money's worth out of a can of black beans, you should be saving the bean liquid, also known as aquafaba, which can make a flavorful additive to many dishes.
Aquafaba comes from cooking the beans in water and is low in calories, sugar, and cholesterol, and is gluten-free. It is also high in sodium, so it imparts an extra salty flavor.
One of the best ways to utilize aquafaba is adding it to soups, which will increase its yield without watering it down. Good choices include tortilla, lentil, or Tarasca soup.
You can also use it when baking breads, pastas, or cakes. It's especially useful when making chocolate breads or cakes, as it can draw out the chocolate notes.