A seasoned steak on a white plate.
The Only Steak Sauce You'll Ever Need Is 4 Ingredients


A seasoned steak in a pot with roasted vegetables.
You only need four readily available ingredients to craft a simple and delectable steak sauce that will perfectly complement your steak without overpowering it.
Butter melting on a black pan.
Begin by gathering your ingredients — butter, roasted garlic, Worcestershire sauce, and dry vermouth. Then, in a frying pan over low-medium heat, melt a few tablespoons of butter.
Oven-roasted garlic.
Once it becomes golden brown and sizzles, add a good splash of vermouth. Next, remove the skins from your roasted garlic and whisk the softened bulbs into your sauce.
A ramekin of Worcestershire sauce.
Finally, fling a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce into the mix. These ingredients, when combined, will create a harmonious sauce rich in umami and complexity.