Hands slicing bananas on a cutting board
There's A Catch To Storing Your Bananas In The Fridge


a banana in a fridge
To prevent bananas from ripening too quickly and turning brown, store only ripe bananas in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process.
the stems of a banana in a fridge
Don’t refrigerate green bananas, as it will prevent them from ripening properly, and instead freeze overripe bananas for future use in recipes like banana bread.
Hands holding bananas
Bananas with a green stem aren’t ripe; a stem that is yellow and easily snaps is ripe. Large brown or black spots indicate the banana is overripe.
Hand grabbing a banana from a fridge
When storing the bananas in the fridge, don’t place them in a bag, in a crowded part of your fridge, or around other produce. Store them for only five to seven days in the fridge.