Glasses of wine with fruit slices

Turn Flat Sparkling Wine Into A Sweet Syrup To Give It New Life



Person pouring champagne on boat
Champagne doesn't stay crisp for long after opening, but you can give it new life by turning it into a sweet syrup and adding it to any of your favorite cocktails.
Person making syrup from wine
To make this simple syrup for cocktails, combine equal parts cane sugar and some flat wine in a pot and heat on low, mixing slowly until you're left with a concentrated syrup.
Glasses of rose on pink background
If you prefer, you can also use honey or maple syrup instead of sugar, and don't be afraid to throw in spices or other infusions like fresh herbs and citrus.
Colorful cocktails on beach
Once the mixture reaches your desired texture, let it cool and strain it into a bottle. Now you've got a bottle of wine syrup to stick in the fridge, ready for cocktail hour.