various types of deli meat
What Are Those Rainbow Spots On Deli Meat?


slices of white deli meat
The rainbow, metallic sheen on deli-style roast beef is a harmless phenomenon caused by the diffraction of light on the meat's muscle fibers.
a sub with slices of deli meat and other toppings on top of it
It can also be seen on meats like ham but is more noticeable on darker meats due to their color. White meats like chicken may not display it as prominently.
a slab and slices of roast beef
The rainbow effect doesn't affect the meat's quality and is purely a result of how light interacts with the meat's surface.
a few slices of roast beef in a white background
Deli meats, like smooth-cut varieties like roast beef, are often iridescent due to their ultra-smooth surface created by mechanical slicers, exposing more meat fibers to light.
slices of white deli meat and a deli meat rolled up
Cured meats, such as pastrami, are more prone to iridescence due to added moisture from phosphates in the curing process.