A car at a McDonald's drive-thru.

What You Should Know Before Ordering McDonald’s Viral $12 Dinner Box



Man sitting outside a McDonald's with window signs advertising mobile app and deals.
Leiela Kapewa-Latu, also known as xolovelei on TikTok, recently shared a video where she secured a $12 McDonald’s dinner box in Texas. Her video instantly went viral.
A person holding McDonald's Big Mac sandwich.
The box contained two cheeseburgers, two Big Macs, four small fries, and 10 pieces of chicken nuggets plus sauce. Kapewa-Latu even shared her receipt to prove it was all for $12.
McDonald's app on a phone.
However, the dinner box might not be available at all the locations. It’s best to check the McD’s app to see if a box is listed in the “Shareables” tab or comes up when searched.
McDonald's logo on a glass window.
Additionally, the price of the dinner box can vary. A commenter on Kapewa-Latu’s video shared that the box costs $22 in Ohio, while another mentioned finding it for $25 in New Jersey.
McDonald's fried apple pie on top of its packaging.
In Long Island, a bigger box with six small french fries and two apple pies is available for $49. Ultimately, the box’s value depends on how much items at your local McD’s cost.