Man holding can of beer in store

Why Does Non-Alcoholic Beer Cost So Much?



Non-Alcoholic label on beer can
The price of non-alcoholic beer has risen at three times the rate of traditional beer in the past year. The reasons for this are its ingredients, suppliers, and brewing process.
Man brewing NA beer
NA brews are highly technical creations that take great time, care, and costs to brew. The steps required to produce non-alcoholic beer require custom and costly equipment.
0 Percent written in foam on beer
Furthermore, the NA world is far smaller than the traditional beer world, so brands have to work harder — and perhaps pay more — to get their product distilled and bottled.
Line of NA beer in fridge
Ingredients too in many cases are top shelf — all of the grain going into
an Athletic Brewing NA beer, for example, are organic as brands cater to more health-conscious consumers.
Woman holding unmarked bottle of beer
All of this trickles down to higher prices, as does the marketing required to get drinkers to give NA beer a try. Despite the price tag, many are still enthusiastic about NA beer.