McDonald's cup against dark background

Why People Are Complaining About McDonald's New Straws



Woman drinking in front of McDonald's
In 2024, McDonald's earned backlash for changing its straws. The new straws look standard, but customers claim they're a huge step back in quality.
Soda from McDonald's
According to viral threads, the straw cracks in multiple places along the sides almost as soon as it's popped into a drink, making it impossible to finish a drink.
McDonald's cups on blue background
The original straw was white with the iconic yellow and red stripes and was noticeably thicker and wider than most standard straws. The new straws are thinner and clear.
Person holding McDonald's drink
Sustainability may be one possible reason for the switch — but that doesn't seem likely, as the new straws are also made from plastic. It may also be to save the chain money.