Store Cheap Vodka In The Freezer For A Stunningly Smooth Finish

Each type of liquor has its own storage requirements and quirks. For example, bourbon can be stored at room temperature for a long time if the bottle is tightly sealed, while champagne needs to be kept cool to preserve its fizziness. For people big on alcohol, they can have specialized liquor coolers that maintain their drinks in excellent condition throughout. But these aren't exactly standard appliances found in every household.


That's how lots of people turned to the freezer as the place to store their alcohol. If many liquors are chilled with ice or they're straight up labeled as "best served cold," there's no harm in keeping them in the freezer, right?

Well, not quite, according to Grey Goose Vodka, while you won't necessarily harm it when it's stored in the fridge, some of the flavor and aromatic molecules in the alcohol are "killed off." While that's obviously not desirable for expensive vodkas like Belvedere or Grey Goose, it's the exact opposite for cheaper bottles!

Freezing will mute off-tastes in cheap vodkas

While vodka does have a premium segment, it's more often associated with college students due to the prevalence of cheap vodkas like Smirnoff and Kamchatka lining the shelves of liquor stores nationwide. If you've had quality vodka before, though, you'll likely find these standard varieties to be sharp-tasting, with a noticeable alcohol burn and off-flavors from additives.


Storing these budget vodkas in the freezer can actually help! This has to do with the volatile compounds present. These chemicals contribute to the unique aroma and flavor of the liquor, as noted by the Foods Journal in the National Library of Medicine. When vodka is chilled, it prevents these compounds from being released, resulting in a milder taste and aroma than usual. This is also why room-temperature or hot drinks often have a sharper taste. So, while freezing the bottle may diminish some of its flavor and scent it can be beneficial, even for the best cheap vodkas, by toning down the boozy burn and off-flavors to produce a "purer" and smoother drink.

But freezing vodka isn't all about losing flavor. It also increases its viscosity, according to Claire Smith, a representative of Belvedere vodka. It coats your tongue a bit more, making the flavor feel richer and more satisfying.


Avoid freezing premium vodkas, however

While the freezer method can be a game-changer for budget vodka, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, especially for premium labels. Just like with expensive whiskeys or wines, what distinguishes good vodka from cheaper ones are the subtle flavor notes — all of which can be dulled by the cold of the freezer.


For these finer spirits, you'll have to use a different approach. Storing them at room temperature or in a cool, dark place like a pantry or a cellar is the simplest and most ideal. With nothing to interfere with the flavor of the drink, the vodka will be allowed to express its full bouquet of aromas and flavors.

However, another alternative is to refrigerate it (not freeze it) at temperatures between 32 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides allowing the spirit to last longer, at these temperatures, you'll still be able to enjoy the full spectrum of the vodka's expression without any flavor loss or dilution, which is it's always served slightly cold!

