That Side Of Sushi Ginger Belongs On Your Tuna Sandwich

On a list of things you should reconsider ordering from a sushi restaurant, good quality tuna isn't one of them. From classic spicy tuna rolls to albacore tuna, known as shiro maguro, and the coveted bluefin variety, there are a number of ways to enjoy this fish. At the sushi bar, it's especially delectable when you have that essential side of sliced ginger to follow each bite. Nothing beats the complementary sweet yet savory flavor that comes from the plant root being marinated in a mixture of sugar and vinegar.

Unfortunately, though, not everyone can get to their favorite restaurants as often as they'd like. Even sadder: Most people don't have a chef just lounging at their house, ready to whip up some spicy tuna crispy rice at their beck and call. So, how does one bring the tuna-eating party home? The most accessible method is simply to recreate a feasible version of the iconic sushi pairing right from your own kitchen, through a good ol' tuna sandwich complete with ginger. It's as easy as taking a quick trip to a local grocery store like Walmart, Target, or Whole Foods to find the pickled ingredient, or even more conveniently, you can also just take home and use up some of the leftover ginger that came alongside your lunch or dinner sushi order.

How to incorporate ginger into your tuna sandwich

Think of adding sushi ginger in the same way you would add relish or pickles to your food. These elements provide a mild yet refreshing sort of kick to your meal while breaking up the monotony that might come from eating a dish composed of mainly one ingredient. In this case, it's tuna, which pairs wonderfully with the warm spice of ginger. Not to mention, the plant root adds a light crunch to what can be an otherwise mushy sandwich. It works as a comparably crispy, more flavorful alternative to the popular tuna sandwich celery hack. Plus, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, ginger itself comes with a bunch of purported health benefits, such as nausea relief and reduced bloating and gas.

Not only are there myriad ways to cook with ginger at home, it's thankfully also very easy to incorporate this superfood into your meal. All you have to do is place thin pieces of the pickled ginger, whether chopped, shredded, or sliced, as the top layer of your sandwich. It's as simple as that! And if you really want to be sure that the fiery yet sweet taste of the ginger infuses your club or panini, feel free to put it directly into your mix of tuna, mayo, and other condiments. Try this tasty combo on your wraps and rolls, too.
