Does Grass-Fed Butter Really Taste Better Than Standard?

Butter is one of the most common fats and can be found at the root of most modern meals. From spreading onto toasted breads, melting into fragrant sauces and spreads, or using as a barrier between a hot pan and protein, this handy ingredient can do just about anything. This is why it's so important to pay attention to exactly what kind of butter you're buying. Because yes, you can really taste the difference between different butters. Just compare any grass-fed butter to the standard sticks found at the grocery store.


Grass-fed butter comes from cows kept on a primarily grass-based diet (hence the name), while most traditional butters out there come from cows kept on a grain-based diet. Grain is generally preferred because it gives more energy to the cow so they can produce more milk. While these differences in diet might seem to have a minimal impact otherwise, it actually does make for huge changes in the butter's flavor.

While every butter is different, some say grass-fed cows generally can produce a much more rich and flavorful butter, with both nutty and tangy notes. Others claim the flavors of grass-fed butter are much grassier or cheesier than standard. Alternatively, traditional butter is said to have a much sweeter and milkier flavor overall.


The other important differences between the two

We can't really say if swapping out your traditional butter for a grass-fed variety leads to a better taste overall as that all comes down to personal preference. Still, aside from the grass-fed ingredient tasting different than other butters, it actually comes with plenty of additional health benefits too. For example, butter might get a bad rap from plenty of health enthusiasts since it's high in calories and fat. Still, it's not all bad, as butter is actually a great source of omega-3 fatty acids too, especially when it comes to the grass-fed varieties. Additionally, grass-fed butter also usually comes with less saturated fats than standard sticks too.


Next, let's talk about the differences in texture. The butter produced by grass-fed cows will generally be softer and more spreadable than other butters kept at room temperature. And even the color of these butters are different, with grass-feed taking on much more yellow hues, while standard sticks tend to look more pale or white. Plus, it's not just the butter that's different. You can taste the flavor difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef too.

When to buy grass-fed butter over standard

Since grass-fed butter is much different than standard sticks in terms of both taste and texture, each choice is best suited for different recipes. For example, due to grass-fed butter's softer textures and more herbal-leaning tastes, some claim it's a better option to use when baking, making for more well-rounded and rich desserts. Additionally, if you're trying to be more health-conscious in the kitchen, grass-fed might also be the better choice thanks to its added health benefits. Still, because of grass-fed butter's higher price tag, it might not be as accessible of an option for some, and standard butter is still a great option to use instead.


So, if you're eager to bake a cake and only have standard butter in the fridge, just go ahead and use it. It's all butter after all, so your recipe will still turn out rich and delicious. But hey, if you still can't decide which to buy, here are some other label clues to find the best butter at your grocery store.

