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Andrew Zimmern's Favorite Olive Oils For Cooking And Dipping

When it comes to pantry staples like olive oil, there's thousands of options for chefs to choose from. While plenty of reputable brands exist, other bottles on the shelves might be lacking in flavor. It can be hard to distinguish which is which.


To make sure you get the absolute best olive oil for your cooking needs, it helps to turn to the experts for some advice. Fortunately, chefs like Andrew Zimmern are around to give their all-time favorite recommendations. The James Beard award-winning Zimmern has tried his fair share of ingredients over the years, and he's settled on a few standout olive oils that he swears by in his kitchen.

Two of Zimmern's absolute favorites are Cobram Estates' extra virgin and Select first cold pressed olive oils. He claims that the extra virgin variety is a more accessible option than certain others that he uses. It's also affordable, selling for around $12 on Amazon. The oil has a nice mild flavor on its own that's perfect for everyday use. Alternatively, the select first cold pressed version has a greener flavor that is truly versatile. It's perfect for any culinary project on your list from finishing to frying. These bottles can both be purchased online or at major retailers such as Walmart or Target.


Zimmern's a big fan of these other collaborations too

Another one of Andrew Zimmern's olive oils of choice is a collaboration between Grove & Vine and Action Bronson. This limited-edition item comes from culinary experts Nicholas Coleman and Dan Amatuzzi and chef Action Bronson and uses single-estate olives harvested in Tuscany, Italy. While this is one of the pricier options on Zimmern's list, ringing in around $120, there are ways to save money on premium olive oils. (For example, you can save the pricier stuff for dishes where you'll really taste it.) While it's currently out of stock on the Grove & Vine website, a new collaboration between Bronson and Vine is on the way. Plus, while this is one of Zimmern told fans on his website that "you really can't go wrong" with most any option from Grove & Vine.


Pineapple Collaborative is another brand whose vast array of kitchen products Zimmern swears by, and he's a big fan of this brand's olive oil especially. This particular product is made with organic California olives in collaboration with expert olive oil taster Kathryn Tomajan. It's a special choice because it's sold in a tin, and experts often say that tins are a better option for storing olive oil than bottles because light can break down oil. Bonus: These tins have 33.3% more liquid in them than other leading specialty brands, so you're getting both high-quality ingredients and more olive-y goodness in every bottle. These are available online through retailers like Amazon.

Finally, the unmatched flavor of the La Boit Moshe Oil

Chef Andrew Zimmern has also sung the praises of La Boite' Moshe olive oil. As he said about this pick on his website, "If I could only bring one oil to a desert island, it would be this one." This unfiltered choice is available through company's website and is produced from 100% Tzuri olives that grow in northern Israel's Galilee region. It's said to have an extra rich and smooth texture along with strong flavors with notes of herbs and black pepper. This makes this ingredient an ideal choice as a finishing oil, so its flavor can really stand out when used as the cherry on top of a favorite meal or appetizer. (And if you don't know where to start, try drizzling it on a simple salad or bowl of vanilla ice cream to see how it shines.)


The vast world of olive oil can be truly overwhelming to explore, but chefs like Andrew Zimmern are here to help narrow the pool. If you like any these choices from Zimmern, why not learn about some options that other professional chefs love? (Hint: Here are some of Giada De Laurentiis' favorite olive oils for cooking and dipping too.)

