Why Costco's Maple Syrup Bottle Is Causing A Fuss Among Customers
Costco's maple syrup bottles are causing a fuss among customers, and it doesn't have anything to do with the taste. According to some unhappy members, Kirkland's organic maple syrup has a very flawed cap design. Some customers took to Reddit to share their thoughts, and spoiler alert: most of them aren't happy.
Many people thought this bottle might be in the running for "worst product design," with some claiming that it's super difficult to pour and keep clean. Some say the inner seal is impossible to peel off, and when you finally can detach it, the inner and outer spout don't even line up. Another customer said the cap is "constantly crusty," with the syrup constantly dripping down the side of the bottle. Since the cap never wants to stay closed after syrup crystallizes on the lid, the bottle ends up looking destroyed after just one use. Even if you get around these hurdles, other members claim the cap easily breaks off, too, so there's no protection for the syrup from the open air.
With all the negativity surrounding this syrup bottle, can the topping's flavor make up for the bottle's less-than-functional design? That depends on the customer. If you're someone who wants the same flavor of Kirkland's organic syrup without the stress of the bottle, we'll have to wait and see if Costco makes a change. In the meantime, you can always switch out the old syrup vessel yourself with a new one.
An easy solution to the problem
For Costco members who are a fan of this syrup's flavor, but not so much of the vessel it comes in, you can always pour the syrup into a different bottle. For ease of pouring, using glass bottles with pour spouts is a good idea. Not only do these spouts make pouring effortless, but the smaller containers ensure you don't accidentally end up drowning your breakfast in excess syrupy sweetness. Since these bottles are glass, you can also microwave them if your syrup ends up getting too thick after extended use.
For some diner nostalgia, you could always opt for a dispenser with an easy pour spout, too. This would also make pouring effortless. Finally, to keep things super simple, try screwing the cap to a used bottle of ketchup or mustard onto the Kirkland bottle so you won't have to deal with the annoying cap design. Then, if all these attempts fail, try switching up how you store your maple syrup.
If the idea of purchasing a new bottle isn't for you, some members pointed out you can always wipe the excess syrup off the Kirkland bottle's lid so it will close. Whether you want to shell out some pocket change for a better vessel, spend a few seconds cleaning the bottle, or grab another Costco maple syrup, the choice is up to you.