How Shopping At More Than One Costco Location Saves You Money

Costco is one of the largest and most popular grocery stores in the United States — and for good reason. Since its first warehouse opened in Seattle in 1983, this one-stop shop has expanded to offer all kinds of goods and services imaginable, not just groceries. And whether you're stocking up on vodka or canned tuna, the store's private Kirkland brand is beloved by many. However, with so many items to look at, there's a certain art to getting the most out of shopping at Costco. This is especially true when it comes to which location (or, better yet, locations) you choose to go to.


Heading to Costco without a plan is likely to leave you overwhelmed and missing out on savings. For instance, you should visit the store during the middle of the week, as it's usually frighteningly crowded from Friday to Sunday. Deciding which warehouse to shop at is also an important decision that can make or break your experience. After all, while the massive stores may seem identical in terms of layout, each location is actually unique in terms of select prices and products.

If you're a detail-oriented shopper on the hunt for the best deals and specialty or seasonal products, it could be worthwhile to shop at more than one Costco. This isn't always the case, depending on where you live and what you're buying, though. Here's what you need to know to actually get your money's worth when making the journey to multiple Costcos.


Different Costco locations offer different products and prices

While items like Kirkland-brand bottled water can be found at every warehouse, no two Costco locations sell exactly the same products for the same prices. In fact, stores in the same city or even right next to each other offer different merchandise and often at different prices based on each store's management. By going to more than one Costco location, you'll be able to secure savings on all kinds of products, especially those available in limited quantities or for limited times.


Costco warehouses stock items based on local demographics and demand, which isn't too surprising considering that major retailers adjust stock by predicting what customers want to buy and when. For example, Costco sells warm gloves and jackets in snowy regions during the winter. Sports fans can also often find collegiate or pro-level merchandise, or even discounted tickets, for their regional teams at local warehouses.

Besides products, prices vary between each Costco location. Store managers, buying teams, suppliers, and local competition can all impact the pricing of specific items. In fact, the exact in-store prices of items can reveal a lot about the savings you're getting. For the best deals, you'll want to look for prices ending in .88 or .00, according to ToughNickel. These steep discounts are set by individual store managers. However, note that they're usually attached to returned items, floor models, or items with only a few left in stock. 


Are the savings worth the time and gas?

If you live somewhere with several Costco locations relatively close by, making a trip to each one may not be a huge hassle. But before you spend the time and gas driving between them, it may be possible to find out what each warehouse sells without leaving the house.


One of the benefits of living during the internet age is that retailer websites make shopping in your pajamas less awkward. Use the Costco website to browse their online products available for delivery or set your preferred store location so you can see what items are available in-store at that particular location. If you don't mind talking on the phone, you can also call local warehouses and ask Membership Services if they carry a specific product. For everyone's sake, though, Costco recommends that you have the item number or product description ready.

There are limitations to what you can find out without visiting a Costco warehouse. When it comes to pricing, it's against company policy to disclose product prices at individual locations online or over the phone. However, you can sign up to receive emails from Costco about location-specific promotions and deals. 


Shopping at more than one Costco isn't for everyone. This goes without saying if you only have a single location within an hour of you. However, if you are blessed to have multiple nearby, you might be able to score some unique products and huge savings by venturing away from your usual warehouse.

