How Long An Open Container Of Hummus Will Stay Fresh

Despite being well-lit, it's easy for things to go missing in the fridge. Items often end up haphazardly stacked on one another, while others may get pushed into the back. Small containers and loose ingredients sometimes seem to disappear altogether. While organizing your fridge is a noble yet never-ending quest, a chaotic week is bound to lead to disarray every once in a while. By the time you push up your sleeves and tackle the situation, you might discover food that you forgot you even had. That open container of hummus is new-ish, right?


Even if you take food storage seriously, there may be times that you forget when you purchased or opened an item. While sight and smell are good base indicators for determining if something is safe to eat, they aren't perfectly sound. And we don't recommend risking your health with a taste test if you're truly unsure. It can be particularly tricky to figure out if store-bought dips and spreads are spoiled — especially if they boast a distant expiration date.

So how long is hummus good for after opening? Refrigerated hummus should be finished or thrown out within seven days of opening, according to the FoodKeeper App, a food safety resource designed by the USDA. Any longer and its flavor will turn funky and sour — a sign to toss it. The container's lid must also be securely closed to prevent moisture from accumulating. Any bacteria that could grow as a result of improper storage won't be killed off since you don't cook hummus before eating it.


When to throw out hummus

Hummus might seem harmless enough, especially when you consider what's in it. Rich in flavor despite its humble ingredients, the creamy dip is standardly made with chickpeas, tahini, garlic, and oil (preferably olive oil for better texture and flavor). None of these raise any serious red flags, but all foods must go bad eventually.


Paired well with fresh veggies and crackers, hummus is as nutritious as it is delicious, which makes it a fantastic snack to keep on hand. Popular among vegans and vegetarians, the dip's primary ingredient is a great source of plant-based protein and fiber. Free of nuts, dairy, and gluten, the staple spread is also a reliable choice for school lunches or game-day snacks.

Unless you make hummus from scratch, chances are you buy it at the grocery store. With flavors from roasted red pepper to olive tapenade, pre-made options are not only tasty but convenient. The store-bought dip can also last slightly longer in the fridge than homemade hummus, thanks to pasteurization and potential preservatives.


Depending on your household's cravings, we'd be surprised if a container of this delicious dip could go unfinished for longer than a week. However, if it does get lost in the fridge and you can't remember when you opened it, you're best off just buying more hummus.

