Level Up Your Salad Game With One Simple Step

A truly positive dining experience is like a good book. Your time at a restaurant is segmented into three courses, that being the appetizer, entree, and dessert, similar to how novels have a beginning, middle, and end. And no reader is going to get even close to the meat of the plot or banger of an ending if there's no killer introduction to reel them in first. In foodie terms, this stresses the importance of a good starting meal to set the right tone for the rest of the customer's stay. And what better way for an eatery to make a positive first impression than to nail the most common appetizer right on the head? Through the use of one simple step, many establishments have done exactly that and provided customers with an elevated salad experience.

There's just something extra refreshing about the way mixed greens from restaurants taste, whether you realize it or not. Aware of the fact that even the smallest of details make a difference in how food is received by the diner, places have utilized the power of serving salad in a chilled bowl or plate. This seemingly insignificant choice absolutely transforms the classic dish and will make customers want to stick around longer. By utilizing the same trick, you can effortlessly take your salad up a notch right at home.

How to chill your dish

There are little nuances and caveats on how to make each dish exponentially better, from the secret behind luxurious restaurant soups and sauces being a bit of butter to the one simple swap for ridiculously good guacamole. But the hack behind a successful salad is even easier when all it takes is setting a bowl or plate in the fridge for about 15 minutes before use. You can even place it in the freezer instead to shave off some time if you're in a rush. Just be sure not to let your dish get too frosty, or else your ingredients might get wet.

To take it even further, go the extra mile by chilling your utensils as well. Placing the fork you'll be using in the fridge alongside your plate or bowl will quite literally provide you with a fresh bite each time. It's an additional low-effort way to maximize your food's firm texture and temperature without having to alter anything within the salad itself.

Why you should chill your salad dish

You may be wondering how such an uncomplicated action levels up your salad. It all comes down to enjoying food at the temperature it's meant to be eaten at. Think about it this way: A thermos is designed with a special structure that allows it to keep drinks hot. The condition of the container is what either alters or retains the beverage's warmth, so in the same vein, a room-temperature dish can surely transfer enough heat to make your salad's ingredients limp and soggy.

So unless you're making a meal that's meant to be eaten warm, such as an herbed potato salad, some things are just better eaten slightly cold. Fresh salads composed of colorful veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, arugula, olives, cheese, and herbs typically fall within this category. Serving them on a chilled platter will help prolong their crisp, cool quality. Even the salad's dressing, which should usually be stored in the fridge anyway, can benefit from the extra frigidity that comes off a cold dish.
