The Secret To Getting A Perfect Crispy Crust On Frozen Steaks

We have all dropped the ball on dinner and forgotten to defrost the meat ahead of time. However, if this issue arises and steak is on the menu, you're in luck. Turns out, cooking steak from frozen not only works, but can, in some cases, be a better preparation method than most — especially if you follow this secret for getting a perfectly crispy crust.


The Maillard reaction is the key to building a browned crust on your steak so, when cooking from frozen, you'll want to add more oil to your pan than usual to help develop this exterior. Cooking the frozen steak in a pan filled with oil that's about ⅛ of an inch deep works for a couple of reasons. First, it ensures enough oil to infiltrate all those little nooks and crannies that form when meat freezes. Second, the extra oil helps to maintain a high cooking temperature, which allows it to sear properly.

How to freeze steaks for the best results

Another secret to getting a crispy crust on frozen steaks is taking steps to carefully freeze your meat. It's crucial to initially freeze the steaks perfectly flat, without any covering touching them. This is because anything that comes into contact with the steak too soon could dry up moisture on the surface of the steak, which can in turn create ice crystals. Then, if there is any ice on the steaks, they will splatter when dropped into a hot pan full of oil — and they could even potentially catch fire during the cooking process.


Instead, you'll want to lay the cuts of meat on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and stick it in the freezer. Once they are completely frozen, you can wrap the steaks in plastic wrap and store them in zip-top plastic bags in the freezer for up to three months.

Of course, freezing your steaks won't magically enhance the quality. So, if you know that you might be cooking the steaks from frozen, it's best to invest in a premium cut from the get-go.

