What's The Best Temperature To Grill Burgers At, Really?

Cranking up the grill is one of the best ways to cook — you don't need to worry about a messy kitchen or turning the oven on when it's a hot day. Plus, there is something about that slightly-charred flavor that adds a new element when cooking up some burgers. But there is some technique involved, so you have to know exactly how to do it if you want to grill like a master. Otherwise, you could be left with burgers that are too cooked on the outside and raw in the middle, or just overly dry throughout.

When it comes to grilling the perfect burger, it's best to build texture on the outside by giving it a sear or char. How long you cook it will be the difference between a medium-rare burger and a medium-well burger, but the temperature should stay constant: Somewhere between 375 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit is ideally where you want to be. On a gas grill, this is usually medium-high heat.

Preheat your grill to a high temperature for the best results

It's clear that the grill temperature matters for searing the meat, but why sear it in the first place? You want to do this because of something called the Maillard reaction, which occurs when the meat hits that hot grill. Without getting too into the science, the Maillard reaction changes the composition of amino acids in food, giving it a burst of flavor and deepening the meat's color; it's why caramelized foods taste so good.

To achieve the perfect sear, not only should the grill be between that temperature sweet spot we mentioned, but it should also have plenty of time to preheat. Give it about 15 minutes to get the surface nice and hot before throwing on some burgers. From there, cook them only a few minutes depending on your desired internal temperature and color. Medium-rare burgers need about three minutes per side on the heat, but for well-done, cook them for 10 minutes per side.

How to assess your grill's temperature

Although the general rule of thumb is that medium-high heat will hit that 375 to 400 degree Fahrenheit range you're looking for, not all grills are made the same way. Some grills do have a built-in thermometer, which makes life easier — but if yours doesn't, there is one trick you can use. Of course, placing a portable thermometer inside the grill is an option, but the hand test is another.

The hand test is a matter of seeing how long you can place your hand above the grill before it gets too hot. Don't get too close; keep the palm of your hand three inches from the grill's grates, and see how long it can comfortably stay there. If it's between four and five seconds, then your grill is at the perfect temperature. If it's any more, then it's too cold, and any less, then it's too hot. Repeat the test every minute or two until it reaches the right temperature.
