What's The Best Temperature To Cook Bacon In The Oven, Really?

Throwing bacon in the oven is not only the easiest way to cook it, it's also the best. Or at least, it could be the best ... if you cook it properly. Getting bacon to become toothsome and delicious is a bit of a balancing act. There are several factors at play here, but a principal one is figuring out the right temperature to cook it at in the first place.

Recommended cooking temperatures for oven-made bacon vary from recipe to recipe, landing anywhere from 350 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. However, most hover somewhere in the middle, usually around the 400 degree mark. This temperature is a good starting point for your bacon, whether it's thin or thick cut. So, problem solved, right? Well, sort of. More factors go into top-flight bacon than just picking a number — you also have to make sure you're getting the nitty-gritty details right.

When cooking bacon in the oven, the details matter

The ideal temperature for oven-cooked bacon fluctuates based on how thick the bacon is, as well as how well-done you want it to be. Though 400 degrees Fahrenheit is certainly a solid foundation, you'll want to work with your personal oven to get your bacon as delectable as possible. If your bacon is thin, for example, a hotter temperature will make it nice and crispy in no time. But if you're using thick-cut bacon, you'll want to make sure you've cooked the strips entirely. This might be best achieved at a lower temperature for a longer time.

Tips for cooking bacon in the oven abound. Some are niche, but others always apply. For example, no matter which cut of bacon you use and what temperature you set your oven at, tossing your bacon into a cold oven (one that hasn't been pre-heated) will make your bacon a little bit crispier. You'll also want to make sure that you cook your strips evenly by not overlapping them, whether that's done by giving them a twist or by spacing them out. With these tips and a fitting temperature in mind, you're only a couple of steps away from delicious bacon with practically no effort.
