Graham Cracker Soup: The Comforting Breakfast That's Only 3 Minutes Away

Many think of soup as a comforting meal best enjoyed during the colder months of the year, but the thick, liquidy dish can actually be enjoyed year-round. In fact, several cold soups are popular in different regions of the world, like gazpacho in Spain or cucumber soup in Bulgaria. Some people even enjoy a savory soup for breakfast, including in Japan where instant miso soup serves as a quick meal option. Well, how do you translate soup to the traditional American breakfast? While some will say that cereal and oatmeal serve as a breakfast "soup" of sorts in the States, there is a better option that you probably didn't even know existed: graham cracker soup.


This inventive breakfast choice can be made in just a few steps with two common ingredients. It can also be customized in a variety of different ways for those with a more adventurous food palate. Now, graham crackers are an incredibly versatile food. It is a core — yet easily replaceable — ingredient in s'mores. They can also be used as the base of a cheesecake or a key lime pie, or enjoyed on its own with a glass of milk. However, graham cracker soup takes the beloved treat to the next level.

How to make graham cracker soup

Graham cracker soup is extremely easy to make and requires less than five minutes. Therefore, the dish should fit perfectly in your morning rotation of breakfast burritos and fancy avocado toasts. All you have to do is take a few store-bought graham crackers and crumble them into bite-sized pieces into a bowl. Then, add a small amount of milk (full fat, skim, oat, or any type) to the bowl. The amount of milk should be more than a splash but not enough to fully cover the graham crackers. Let the graham crackers sit for two to three minutes until they soften — then the breakfast soup is ready to eat. At this point, the graham crackers should have absorbed enough milk to develop a spongy texture that will deliver a satisfying mouthfeel, along with a delicious subtle, sweet taste.


There are plenty of ways to put a twist on this inventive breakfast dish. First, you can try using different flavors of graham crackers, such as cinnamon and honey. Or you can add those ingredients to the mixture separately. Once the graham crackers have absorbed the milk, try adding a dash of cinnamon or a dollop of honey or maple syrup. If you are feeling extra adventurous, you can add a handful of berries or give the dish a s'mores twist with a drizzle of chocolate syrup.

