What Company Really Makes Costco's Kirkland Brand Canadian Whisky?

Costco is just built differently. Sometimes that literally true, with its super-massive blueprint and extra-wide aisles. It's different too, in terms of its products. You won't find all of the usual grocery store SKUs and name-brand products here because Costco largely offers its own store brand, Kirkland. Its extensive alcohol aisle is no exception, where the whisky you see on shelves has the Kirkland label slapped on its bottle, too. However, the reality is that Costco works with outside distillers to keep their jumbo shelves stocked. 


Though Costco hasn't said, it's widely reported and believed that Crown Royal — the same brand with the iconic purple satchels — makes the Kirkland brand Canadian whisky (which incidentally, also has a purple cap). You won't see the distillers credited on the label, though it does note that the whisky is aged for six years and has been blended. Still, most sleuths feel confident the alcohol is Crown Royal, or at least is made in the same facility. Then again, others point out that older bottles could be traced to other Canadian companies and that the ingredients of the Kirkland version aren't quite the same as Crown Royal, muddying this theory.

Regardless of who makes the drink, you'll reap the benefits of Costco pricing when you grab a bottle for tangy whisky sours or simple sipping. And if you're a Crown Royal drinker, you just gained another reason to flock to Costco — outside of the amazing deals and killer food court items.


Score a bit of a dupe, at a fraction of the price

It's become a bit of a foodie nerd sport to try to pin down exactly which manufacturer is behind which beloved Costco products that have been adorned with the Kirkland label. It's a little bit of a treasure hunt and, in some cases, the secret agent making the end product adds a little more hype and credibility to the Kirkland product. For example, Starbucks was behind the Kirkland-brand coffee for years.


Though products are never identical, the fingerprint of the manufacturer or distiller behind the Kirkland product is sometimes noticeable. After all, though they're making a product directly for Costco stores, they might still infuse it with their methods or similar ingredients. Sometimes that's because the same distiller is behind both products but, in other cases, Costco will intentionally try to emulate a best-selling product regardless of the manufacturer.  

Those with discerning palates note some overlap between Crown Royal and the Costco Canadian whisky, noting similar sweet notes and a smooth character that place this among the best bargain liquors at the retailers. If it really is the same distiller, then you can score a very similar bottle to Crown Royal for many dollars less. And if you think the big-box store version is inferior, peel off the label and store your whisky in a decanter. Then, let your taste buds — not the label — be the judge.


