The Best Way To Store Brownies (And How Long They'll Last)

There are very few desserts as simple yet satisfying and decadent as a perfectly moist, fresh brownie. Unfortunately, this delectable state of being does not last long for brownies, and they ultimately become hard, stale, and lacking in flavor. Understanding food storage methods and how they work is the key to keeping brownies as fresh as the day they were pulled out of the oven.


There are several ways to store brownies, including different containers, wrappers, and even different temperatures. However, one consistent method that works in many situations is wrapping the brownies in plastic wrap and placing the wrapped brownies inside of an airtight container. That way, regardless of what temperature the brownies are stored at, the air will not dry them out and they will remain soft and chewy.

Although this is not the only way to store brownies, the extra layer of wrapping and storage helps keep the brownies moist. This storage method does not apply solely to plain brownies either! This also works for fancier brownies that have added ingredients, like white chocolates chips, peanut butter, or Nutella.


How containers and temperatures affect brownies

Wrapping brownies is key to keeping them soft, chewy, and moist. Regardless of whether the brownies are being stored at room temperature, in the refrigerator, or even in the freezer, wrapping them is a must. As mentioned, plastic wrap is a good way to keep the brownies fresh; and some bakers even wrap each individual brownie if they have already been cut into slices to preserve maximum freshness.


For extra padding and peace of mind, some also opt to add a second layer of wrapping using aluminum foil. This second layer essentially helps ensure that air is kept out. Regardless of whether one or two layers of wrapping are used, you shouldn't skip the airtight container after wrapping them.

Shelf life will depend on what temperature the brownies are stored at. Typically, brownies stored at room temperature will last about five days. Brownies that are stored in the refrigerator can last up to two weeks. Brownies stored in the freezer can stay at their best for up to two months, though they can technically last even longer. Just remember that brownies stored at colder temperatures will need some time to warm up before consumption!


