Save Your Used Coffee Grounds To Amp Up Your Favorite Granola

Unless you have a compost bin, used coffee grounds are one of those items that you don't think twice about tossing in the trash. But what if you could give your grounds a second life after brewing your morning coffee? What if, while cutting down on food waste, you could also take your breakfast or healthy snack to a whole new level?

Used coffee grounds are the perfect addition to your favorite granola recipe. They add a burst of flavor and fragrance that is sure to complement whatever fruit or sweetener you like to add. Anyone who's had a mocha latte or a chocolate espresso martini knows that coffee and chocolate are a match made in heaven, so try adding some chocolate chips to bring out the spent grounds' flavor. The result will be a bowl of granola so tasty you'll feel like you're eating dessert, but it's more healthy than you might think.

Both dark chocolate and coffee are a great source of antioxidants, so you can feel good knowing that you're adding some anti-inflammatory goodness to your bowl of granola. And mixed in with crunchy granola and oats, you won't even notice the texture of the coffee grounds, just the flavor.

Other ways to use coffee grounds

Once you've gotten a taste of repurposing used coffee grounds, you might find it hard to go back to your old ways of dumping them in the trash. If you're not a daily granola eater, there are plenty of other ways to avoid throwing out used coffee grounds. They're a great ingredient to add to a meat rub if you're looking for earth notes to enhance the flavor of your meat. If coffee and meat sounds like a strange combination to you, think again. The tannins found in coffee prevent the protein strands in meat from getting too tough when cooked, leaving you with mouthwateringly tender meat.

If you're looking for something sweet, coffee grounds are great in baked goods including cookies, cakes, tiramisu, and more. You can use spent grounds in any recipe that calls for espresso powder or fresh coffee grounds, just to be sure to dry them out first. You'll be amazed at the meals, snacks, and desserts you can jazz up with the leftovers from your morning cup of joe.
