How To Substitute Flour In A Gluten-Free Apple Crisp

Don't listen to the naysayers and ne'er-do-wells, there are excellent alternatives to wheat flour that you can use when making gluten-free baked goods, including apple crisps. For people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, there's no reason to sacrifice dessert when there's a better option. Using almond meal, oatmeal, and a varied selection of baking apples (like Granny Smiths, Fujis, and Golden Delicious), you can create a crisp that's so good, even your gluten-full friends won't be able to tell the difference.


Almond meal, which is made from ground, unpeeled almonds, has a coarse texture and nutty flavor — which are two important characteristics for a crunchy apple crisp topping. Though almond meal and its finer-textured counterpart, almond flour (made from ground blanched and peeled almonds), have a higher moisture content and less binding power than wheat flour, these characteristics won't affect the results when making the perfect, gluten-free apple crisp. Both almond meal and almond flour can be readily found at the grocery store, but you can also make them yourself using a coffee grinder or food processor and sliced or slivered almonds. Just be careful not to grind them too much or you'll end up with almond butter.


Using almond meal to top your apple crisp

Quite a few of the best baked goods can be made gluten-free by simply swapping almond meal (or almond flour) for wheat flour using a 1-to-1 ratio. In the case of apple crisp, this works remarkably well for several reasons. It's not bread, so you don't have to focus on the gluten or the rising. Additionally, in a crisp (or a crumble) the aim is to create a crunchy, or crumbly, buttery topping; it's a job easily accomplished with almond meal.


To make gluten-free apple crisp, simply use your favorite recipe and swap out the flour for almond meal. To seal the deal on your gluten-free crisp, add a couple of teaspoons of cornstarch (instead of wheat flour) to the apple mixture to thicken the juice. From there, all you have to do is bake, serve with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, and you're ready to dive in to a sweet, gluten-free treat. 

