The Simple Seasonings You Need For Salmon Burgers

A traditional beef burger with American cheese, pickles, onion, and tomato is a perennial provision that won't be going out of style anytime soon. However, shaking up traditions is part of what makes cooking an art form, and a salmon burger is just as delicious as its prototype, especially if it's properly seasoned. But how exactly should you spice up a salmon burger? Chowhound spoke with Joe Gurrera, original fishmonger and owner of the East Coast fish market Citarella, to get the certified low-down on how to properly season a salmon burger.


Because salmon has a deep, oceanic flavor that won't disintegrate when grilled for a burger, it's important to select seasonings that won't compromise its innately rich taste. Though many seasonings can upgrade salmon, when it comes to burgers, Gurrera says he "prefers to keep it simple," explaining, "I like to season mine with just salt, pepper, and chives." Salt is a flavor enhancer that amplifies the nuances of a salmon patty, while black pepper brings a touch of earthy heat and chives provide a fresh, onion-like flavor with subtle layers of garlicky goodness. Together, these basic but never-boring salmon burger fixings work to complement rather than overpower the delicate, smoky taste of a grilled salmon patty. 


When it comes to toppings, the fishmonger encourages simplicity here too. Think fresh greens, lemon-kissed aiolis, and mild cheeses. As for the bread, Gurrera is more willing to branch out in that department, mentioning that a toasted brioche bun is his ideal bookend for a simply seasoned salmon burger. 

Simple sides to let your salmon burger shine

To season a salmon burger like an expert, less is more. And when it comes to sides, it's just as important to select dishes that keep the buttery taste of the fish at the central to the plate — but don't worry, understated doesn't mean boring.


Try pairing a Gurrera-approved salmon burger with rosemary and garlic-roasted potatoes. The crispy exterior of the spuds gives way to a soft, cloud-like interior bursting with earthy, umami-blasted goodness that complements the seafood bravado of the burger like a culinary yin and yang. Of course, you can never go wrong with a mixed green salad accented with refreshing cucumber and a zippy, red wine vinaigrette to mirror the fresh taste of salmon. For something heavier, a side of mac and cheese marries well with a salmon burger. Although it's easy to spruce up macaroni and cheese with extra ingredients, a basic recipe is just as delicious as one that's dressed up, and its straight-froward, one-dimensional flavor profile is perfect for eating alongside a salmon burger without distracting from the details of the fish.


Next time you feel like switching up your burger routine, drop the beef in exchange for a gently seasoned salmon patty. Not only is it deliciously subtle, but less zhuzhing up means less work to boot.

