Make The Easiest Caramel Of Your Life With Canned Sweetened Condensed Milk

While it's easy to enjoy a healthy drizzle of caramel on top of a sweet ice cream sundae or fresh apple pie, caramel sauce is not as easy to make from scratch. The process of caramelizing sugar is not usually flawless, since sugar can easily burn and crystallization is common. So, for novice chefs especially, homemade caramel sauce is more trouble than it's worth. Still, not all hope is lost, because you can easily whip up something akin to this thick, luscious treat with just one simple ingredient. To make the easiest caramel of your life, use canned sweetened condensed milk.


Condensed milk is simply milk that's been cooked down to remove excess water, turning the liquid into a thick, luscious treat which is then infused with plenty of sugar. (And no, this is not the same as evaporated milk, which comes unsweetened.) The sugar in the milk helps to prolong the product's shelf-life, and a can will actually stay good for years in your pantry if left unopened.

Condensed milk already has the same decadent texture as caramel sauce on its own, so using this ingredient for a simple homemade caramel recipe is pretty much a no-brainer. (Or more accurately, dulce de leche, which is a sauce made with milk instead of water, making it extra creamy and delicious.) 

How to make this simple caramel sauce at home

To turn a can of sweetened condensed milk into caramel, the process is super easy. Start by boiling a pot of water on the stove, then place an unopened can of condensed milk inside. (Make sure to remove any labels and ensure the water covers the can completely first.) Cover the pot with a lid and let this mixture simmer for about two to three hours. Actual times will depend on how thick you want your sauce. When the time is up, take the pot off the heat and let the can cool, then carefully open the can and bask in the glory of this instant caramel sauce. 


To prevent uneven cooking, remember to flip the can every so often, and add additional water if it cooks off enough to uncover the can. For even easier extraction, you can also pour a can of sweetened condensed milk into a baking dish first. Cover this dish in foil and place it in a water-filled pan, then roast this in a 400-degree oven for one to two hours. The milk will thicken and darken into a sweet caramel sauce perfect for dipping or drizzling alike. If you try this out and like this trick, check out some other hacks for your can of sweetened condensed milk. Whether you want a luxury coffee drink or a thicker curry soup, a can of sweetened condensed milk can pave the way.

