Does Traditional Pesto Contain Pine Nuts?

Pesto is one of the most interesting pasta sauces, at least out of all the ones that are widely available. It has a distinct green hue and a nutty, umami flavor that is light but refreshing. This unique sauce can be easily bought in stores and has plenty of uses beyond pasta, including delicious caprese panini sandwiches.

Despite everything great that pesto has going for it, there is one major drawback: the inclusion of pine nuts. Traditional pesto sauce is made using pine nuts, which can be troublesome as pine nuts can be somewhat pricey. However, there are varieties of pesto out there that do not include pine nuts, but it is definitely a case-by-case basis.

There are also pesto sauce varieties made using other kinds of nuts, like walnuts. For those with a nut allergy, there is also a type of pesto sauce that does not include any kind of nuts whatsoever. It is technically not actually pesto sauce and is known as French pistou sauce – its appearance and flavor are quite similar and as a sauce it can be applied the same way pesto sauce would be.

Pesto and its variants

Traditionally made pesto uses raw pine nuts, combined with basil, garlic, and olive oil. Some recipes add lemon juice and Parmesan cheese as well, although vegan versions will obviously leave out the cheese. The ingredients are pulsed using a food processor until they reach a consistency that is finely chopped but not completely smooth.

Pesto sauce that uses other types of nuts is just about the same recipe, with a change in nuts. Walnuts are the most commonly used cost effective alternative to pine nuts. Nuts should be toasted in the oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit until they are golden brown.

For an entirely nut-free pesto, French pistou sauce is the solution. It is nearly identical to pesto sauce but without any nuts or Parmesan cheese, although many choose to keep the cheese in the pistou sauce as well. Overall, it is best to check the label on pesto sauce bottles or ask the staff at a restaurant to find out if their pesto dishes actually contain pine nuts. Generally speaking, people with peanut, tree nut, or seed allergies should tread with caution.
