Trader Joe's Fall 2024 Items, Ranked

It's the time of the year all Trader Joe's shoppers have been waiting for 一 the scent of cinnamon broomsticks beckons us in, while the promise of pumpkin spice goodies makes grocery shopping feel more like treasure hunting. If you're like me, you race to your nearest TJ's at the first sign of the leaves changing color, eager to try this year's batch of seasonal items. While classic fall favorites, such as the Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese and Pumpkin Butter, predictably return every year (for good reason), it can be tempting to try some of the latest offerings. With new seasonal items popping up every fall, Trader Joe's certainly knows how to keep the excitement alive year after year.

To help narrow down your pumpkin-themed shopping list, I'll be reviewing 11 of Trader Joe's 2024 fall items, ranking them from worst to best. While Trader Joe's has released other seasonal products this fall, I'm sticking to ready-made or pre-cooked food items. Of course, taste is subjective, so your preferences for the following items may differ. Hopefully, this list helps you discover some hidden gems while avoiding a few holiday-flavored duds.

11. Pumpkin Loaf

Coming firmly in last place is Trader Joe's Pumpkin Loaf. Found in the baked goods section, this wheat flour bread is made with pureed pumpkin and an array of spices, including cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves. As a big fan of pumpkin bread, I was eager to try Trader Joe's version. However, despite the $4.99 price tag, it didn't quite deliver. The crunchy topping, a mix of sugar and spices, made every bite feel like I was chewing on sand. Beneath this top layer, the bread itself carries a pronounced pumpkin flavor, while the spices take a backseat.

Though I personally didn't mind this flavor balance, the bread was also exceedingly dry. But even this I can live with, as it's nothing a little melted butter on top can't fix. However, there was one glaring issue that no doctoring up could have fixed. Some parts of the bread tasted strongly of baking soda, suggesting the dough wasn't mixed properly before baking. Unfortunately, these salty bites ruined the whole experience for me, as I became hesitant to continue eating the bread after a few unlucky mouthfuls. Perhaps this was just a bad batch, but it's not something I'd feel confident repurchasing, let alone serving to others. For these reasons, the Pumpkin Loaf has earned its spot at the bottom of this year's fall items.

10. Sweet Potato Habanero Hot Sauce

Putting sweet potatoes in a hot sauce sounds like an outlandish idea, but I have to admit that it piqued my interest. Separately, they're two of my favorite foods, so mixing them seemed like a great idea. Unfortunately, however, this one fell flat. Selling for $2.99, Trader Joe's Sweet Potato Habanero Hot Sauce is made with vinegar, sweet potatoes, and habanero peppers. The problem here lies with the spices, which include allspice, ginger, clove, and cinnamon. This medley of fall flavors is quite prominent, and it's confusing to say the least. The spices clash with the garlic and onion and certainly don't blend well with the strong vinegar and lime flavors.

The best part about the sauce is the heat, though it does take a second to kick in. I have a pretty standard tolerance for heat, and this wasn't unbearable for me. Trying a spoonful, I first tasted spiced applesauce at the front of my mouth, followed by a strong wave of heat in my throat that lingered a while. The sauce also looks and feels like applesauce 一 I'm not sure I would have guessed it contained sweet potatoes. Overall, the flavor and heat combination leave this hot sauce feeling disjointed. Who asked for this product? I'm really not sure, and I'm having a hard time thinking of any acceptable uses for it. Hardcore fans of autumnal spices might enjoy this on something bland like potatoes or squash, but it's not for everyone (or most people, probably). But hey, at least it's edible, which saves it from last place on this list.

9. Barebells Pumpkin Spice Protein Bar

While Trader Joe's has carried Barebells protein bars in the past, Pumpkin Spice is new this year. This seasonal flavor mixes chocolate and pumpkin spice with whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, and calcium caseinate, resulting in a bar that packs an impressive 20 grams of protein. At the time of writing, Trader Joe's sells them for $2.29 each. When opened, this protein treat looks like a candy bar, complete with a chocolate coating and crispy topping. While promising, I wasn't impressed by its taste or texture.

When I took my first bite, there was no mistaking this bar for candy. While I enjoyed the crunchy texture of the rice topping, the bar itself is dense and incredibly chewy, making it a chore to eat. In terms of taste, I wanted a stronger chocolate flavor from the outer coating. Instead, everything kind of blends together. The pumpkin spice flavor is too mild, failing to fully mask the underlying protein flavor. The bar is also very sweet despite containing zero added sugar 一 this is likely due to the sucralose, an artificial sweetener the bar lists as an ingredient. For these reasons, the bar lands in the bottom three on this list. On the bright side, this seasonal flavor still tastes better than many protein bars I've tried in the past. While not my cup of tea, it might appeal more to anyone who regularly consumes protein products.

8. Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Concentrate

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate consists of cold-brewed Arabica beans and a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and clove. These festive orange bottles cost $8.99 each, the same price as Trader Joe's regular cold brew. Note that this is a concentrate, so it's meant to be diluted or mixed with water, milk, or a non-dairy alternative. I followed the bottle's instructions and mixed one part concentrate with two parts soy milk. I found that the pumpkin spice doesn't overpower the coffee flavor, and the aroma of the spices is actually stronger than their taste. While I wasn't bothered by this, I could see it disappointing anyone interested in a bolder pumpkin spice flavor.

The coffee itself is smooth and free from any bitterness, but it does have a somewhat stale taste to it that lingers. I appreciated that the coffee isn't sweetened, though I could see it pairing well with maple or vanilla syrup. Like with any cold brew, this coffee is high in caffeine, making it a great pick-me-up option. I liked that I could adjust the intensity by tweaking the concentrate-to-milk ratio. Overall, however, I didn't find the concentrate tasty enough to want to drink it on a daily basis 一 I'd rather stick with an unflavored cold brew. For this reason, I ranked it near the bottom of this list. While it's not something I'd buy again, it could be a fun addition to cocktails for a flavorful caffeine boost.

7. White Stilton Cheese with Apple & Pear

I occasionally enjoy Trader Joe's Stilton Cheese with Apricots, so I had high expectations for the seasonal Apple & Pear flavor. This soft and crumbly cheese is made in Leicestershire, England and sells for $11.99 a pound. Dried apple pieces and an apple and pear compote are mixed into the Stilton, which then undergoes a six-week aging process. The first thing I noticed when trying the cheese was how sweet it is. The prominent taste is that of candied apples, though the fruit does also add a little tartness that's not completely unwelcome.

Reading the nutrition label, the cheese contains fructose, sugar, and fruit juice concentrate, all of which contribute to the end product's sweetness. The Stilton has an airy texture and mild, creamy flavor that I enjoyed, though this is somewhat overshadowed by the fruit's overwhelmingly sweet flavor. Overall, I found the cheese to be too sweet to enjoy on its own, which is why I didn't rank it higher. However, pairing it with a salted cracker really helped the situation. Still, I would have preferred a more balanced composition that features less apple and pear and a more pronounced Stilton flavor. As it is, this cheese could work as a dessert, but I imagine it would also be tasty crumbled into a salad.

6. Organic Maple Butter

Following in the success of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter is its Organic Maple Butter. Found in the same section as the honey and syrups, this spread comes in a small jar that sells for $4.99. Despite its name, the butter is entirely dairy free 一 in fact, the only ingredient is maple syrup. To make it, the syrup is reduced until concentrated, then whipped into a more solid form. Out of the jar, the butter spreads smoothly and has a pleasantly thick consistency that's similar to peanut butter.

This spread's defining trait is its sweetness, which seems to be a common theme in this year's batch of fall treats. While I love all things maple flavored, the Maple Butter was too sweet for my taste. One serving (two tablespoons) contains 33 grams of added sugar, which is no insignificant amount. For reference, this fulfills 66% of the maximum amount of added sugar the United States Food & Drug Administration recommends eating in a day. However, I can't imagine eating two tablespoons of the stuff in one sitting 一 a little really goes a long way. I'm ranking it in the middle because I still enjoyed the butter's light maple flavor, and I think a thin layer would work well on toast, crepes, or cornbread. While I'll definitely be using the butter this fall season, its concentrated sweetness makes it less versatile than regular maple syrup, in my opinion. For example, spreading it on pancakes or other sweets may result in a sugar overload.

5. Pumpkin Spice Mini Sheet Cake

New this year to Trader Joe's bakery section is the Pumpkin Spice Mini Sheet Cake, which sells for $5.49 per tray. The cake, smaller than most sheet cakes but still substantial, serves six. Beneath a thick layer of cream cheese frosting is a cake made with pumpkin puree and a host of autumnal spices, including cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. If you're looking for just one sweet treat to satisfy your pumpkin spice craving this season, this is it 一 the cake perfectly encapsulates that classic fall flavor while maintaining an airy and moist consistency. While I enjoyed the cake itself, for me the highlight was the frosting. Its tangy, creamy taste, complete with a hint of vanilla, nicely complements the heavier spice flavors of the cake.

I have only one criticism of the cake. One serving (⅙ of the tray) contains 26 grams of added sugar, which is no surprise given how sweet it is. I could only eat one small slice before needing to take a break and drink some water. For this reason, I'm not ranking this one any higher than fifth place. However, I would purchase the cake again to bring to parties or family gatherings, serving it with coffee or tea to balance out the sweetness.

4. Cinnamon Sugar Cashews

You may have tried Trader Joe's Maple Spiced Nut Mix, but there's now another seasonal nut in town. A tin of Cinnamon Sugar Cashews sells for $4.99 and is a welcome break from the fall collection's overabundance of pumpkin spice and maple flavors. Coated in a thin layer of honey, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt, these cashews are just the right amount of sweet. The hint of salt does wonders, making these nuts difficult to put down.

I have to admit that at first I wasn't that impressed, but these nuts grew on me with each bite. The warm spice of the cinnamon works well with the creamy, buttery flavor of the cashews, and the light outer coating enhances rather than overpowers their natural tastiness. To me, they tasted a bit like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, but not as sweet. These nuts may not steal the spotlight 一 which is why they didn't make the top three 一 but they're a delicious option and would pair well on a cheese board or snack spread. As a plus, a serving size is ¼ cup and contains 4 grams of added sugar, which is significantly lower than many of Trader Joe's other sweet fall treats. I'd definitely add them to my shopping cart again 一 they would also make great toppings for yogurt, oatmeal, or ice cream.

3. All Butter Apple Shortbread Cookies

Trader Joe's All Butter Apple Shortbread Cookies are as charming as the little red box they come in 一 each cookie is decorated with a tiny apple-shaped impression. The good news is that these cookies, sold for $3.49 a box, are also delicious. Right away, the cookies exceeded my expectations. I was afraid the apple flavor would be too subtle or artificial tasting, but the cookies perfectly capture the essence of biting into a juicy apple, picked at peak fall ripeness. The ingredients include dried apple pieces and apple juice concentrate, which help bring this flavor profile to life.

Not to be outdone, the shortbread tastes just as shortbread should: buttery, rich, and melt-in-your mouth delicious. In terms of texture, the cookies are dense yet crumble easily, making them a good accompaniment to coffee or tea. And despite the apple flavor, the cookies avoid being overly sweet. While perhaps not as tasty as homemade shortbread, these cookies are a unique flavor combination that will keep you coming back for more. The serving size is three cookies, though I could easily have eaten the entire box at once. Unsurprisingly, these cookies made the final three in my ranking, though it was a really close call. The fact that they're not in first or second place is no fault of their own, so you can rest assured that you won't be wasting your time if you pick up a box or two on your next shopping trip.

2. Savory Squash Pastry Bites

Found in Trader Joe's freezer aisle, our runner-up is the Savory Squash Pastry Bites, one of the season's few non-dessert items. Priced at $5.49 per box, each package contains 12 perfectly bite-sized pastries. Each pastry shell is filled with pumpkin, butternut squash, chives, and a mix of ricotta, mascarpone, feta, and parmesan cheeses. I followed the box's instructions for cooking them in the air fryer and was pleasantly surprised by the results.

I found that the pastry provides a crispy, buttery base that contrasts nicely with the filling's softer consistency. The squash, pumpkin, and cheeses melted together in my mouth, striking an irresistible balance of creamy and savory. Unexpectedly, the most prominent flavor here is garlic, which brings together and enhances the other ingredients. These pastry bites reminded me of pizza bites, but with a fall-forward twist, and they would make delicious appetizers at dinners and parties. If you are serving these at an event, however, keep in mind that the garlic flavor does linger. Garlic breath or not, I firmly believe these pastry bites are the ultimate fall comfort food, which is why they earned their spot as my second-place pick. Expect them to be a crowd favorite, with guests asking for the recipe. Just be sure to serve them fresh from the oven or air fryer, as they cool quickly and are best enjoyed warm.

1. Coffee Panna Cotta

Finally, we've arrived at first place, and it's well-deserved. Trader Joe's Coffee Panna Cotta may not seem like it has much to do with fall, but it perfectly encapsulates that cozy, toasty feeling that defines the season. Priced at $3.49 per box, the dessert is made with cream, milk, coffee powder, sugar, and caramelized syrup, which pools deliciously at the bottom of the tin. The panna cotta opens like a pudding cup, and texture-wise, it's not far off either. While other panna cottas are more jello-like thanks to the use of gelatin, this recipe instead uses a vegetarian gelling agent derived from seaweed or algae. The result is a dessert with the softer consistency of flan or custard.

From the first bite, I was immediately impressed. The panna cotta is delightfully creamy and decadent, with a bold but not overwhelming coffee flavor. The syrup infuses every bite with just the right amount of sweetness and rich caramel notes. I found myself scraping the tin for every last drop. While it has a good amount of sugar per serving (17 grams of added sugar per tin), the slight bitterness of the coffee balances out the sweetness. I'm not usually one for coffee-flavored desserts, but this was a clear winner. It reminded me of tiramisu, minus the cake part. Deliciously chilled, this refreshing treat is perfect for those warmer fall days, while still embodying the festive spirit of the season. Hidden in Trader Joe's refrigerated section, the Coffee Panna Cotta is one dessert that I'll be stocking up on 一 and fighting the rest of my household over.

How I ranked Trader Joe's fall products

For this review, I selected my items from the new arrivals on Trader Joe's website, concentrating on edible, pre-cooked options. This means no box mixes, lotions, candles, or dog treats (though I almost grabbed the latter because they look like cookies for people.) I purchased all my items at my local Trader Joe's and, if necessary, prepared them according to the instructions on the packaging. 

When testing each item, I considered taste, texture, versatility, and overall enjoyment, ranking them according to these factors. I also considered each item's ingredient make-up and how likely I am to purchase it again. While some items fell short of my expectations, others pleasantly surprised me, including a few I wouldn't typically buy. While everyone has different tastes, I hope my review can help point you in the right direction if you're looking to stock your pantry with some fall-themed treats.
