The Trick Everyone Falls For Walking Down Long Grocery Store Aisles

Walking out of the grocery store with more stuff than you intended to purchase is a phenomenon we've all experienced. You go in planning to buy a loaf of bread and suddenly a cart full of goodies somehow makes its way to the checkout line with you. Don't put the blame all on yourself, though. Grocery stores' long aisles are a trick almost everyone falls for. As customers pass through a seemingly never-ending path of enticing products, chances are they'll stop to grab a few extra items along the way, even if they're not actually needed.

However, this isn't the only way grocery stores burn a hole through your wallet. Many establishments are intentionally created with a layout that makes you stick around for longer. It's the reason why the dairy aisle is in the back corner and why certain products seem to change position every few months. A long grocery aisle is just another ploy in the book. There are a few ways you can try to combat this, though, so you only leave the store with exactly what you need.

How to avoid buying more than you need

One of the biggest grocery shopping mistakes you can make is going in without a plan. Having a detailed list of the goods you need to buy is more likely to help keep you on track and avoid purchasing additional products. Otherwise, you'll not only find your mind needlessly wandering, but you'll find your legs bringing you down long aisles of canned goods that aren't worth their price tags and frozen meals that don't deserve space in your cart. The same thing might happen if you don't familiarize yourself with where particular items are located within a store. Don't be afraid to ask an employee to point you in the right direction or to glance up at the labeled signs that dictate what you'll find in each aisle.

Getting sidetracked going down a lengthy row of goods is sure to happen if you go shopping on an empty stomach, too. Eating a quick meal or snack before you run errands can make all the difference in preventing you from snatching unplanned snacks off the shelves. Worst comes to worst, putting together an online order so all you have to do is pick up your pre-selected groceries or have them delivered straight to your door doesn't hurt either.
