The Ordering Hack That Ensures Your McDonald's Fries Are Fresh Every Time

It's a pretty popular sentiment that McDonald's has some of the best french fries in the fast food business. The world-famous fries are certainly one item that keep customers coming back year after year, but even something as celebrated as these fries is susceptible to imperfection. McDonald's fries, when they're fresh, are a crisp and fluffy delight. But unfortunately, there's perhaps nothing less satisfying than biting into a limp, lukewarm french fry, especially when you know how good it can potentially be. Thankfully, though, there's a quick ordering hack to make sure that your McDonald's fries are always fresh out of the fryer.

There's a surprising number of ingredients in McDonald's french fries, and a few added shakes of salt is one of them. This added salt is the default option for McDonald's fries, and it's in this detail where you can capitalize on receiving fresh fries. Since McDonald's automatically adds salt, the kitchen staff will have to cook a fresh batch of fries if you order unsalted fries. With one tacked-on addendum to your order, you can say goodbye to stale fries for good!

Unsalted McDonald's fries is the key to fresh fries

Ordering french fries with no salt can ensure freshness in your McDonald's fries, but is it worth it? After all, that salt is added for a reason, so one would think that the unsalted fries would be bland, even if they are fresh. Well, there's actually more that goes into the flavor of McDonald's fries besides simply adding salt post-fryer. And for you, that means that you don't have to worry too much about losing out on your fries' flavor if you order them without salt.

To ensure that its fries have a satisfying texture and, most importantly, flavor on their own, McDonald's is quite particular about the potato varieties it uses for its fries, favoring the Russet Burbank, the Ranger Russet, the Umatilla Russet, and the Shepody. Additionally, to achieve the ideal crispy outside and fluffy inside, McDonald's uses beef flavored oil to cook its fries. With McDonald's fries, you've already got a really solid base of flavor from the potatoes themselves, as well as the oil in which the fries cook. So there's no need to worry that your fresh, unsalted fries will suffer from a lack of flavor. And if you're really hankering for an added boost of salt, you can always add some to your own taste. If anything, this ensures that your fries are always fresh and can be customized to what you like best — a real win-win for you!
