Which Cucumbers Make The Crunchiest Pickles?

Any ardent lover of pickles will know that there's nothing quite like that satisfying crunch of biting into one. Whether in a sandwich, on a pizza, or as a snack, a pickle packs a zing of flavors for your taste buds to relish! Creating homemade hearty, crunchy pickles is an art. While there are tricks to ensure your cucumbers soak up bold flavors during pickling, the key to a successful pickle crunch lies in choosing the right type of cucumber to deliver the desired mouthfeel of a grade-A pickle. It all comes down to two critical factors — the size of the cucumber and how firm it is. The last thing you want is a sad and soggy pickle, so English cucumbers are out the door! But, there are cucumber varieties that render themselves perfectly for a pristine pickle given their naturally firm texture and ability to hold up during the pickling process. 

Kirby cucumbers are an excellent choice given their thick skin and minimal seeds, which contribute to their exceptional crunchiness. The compact size and dense flesh of Lebanese cucumbers also make them ideal pickle candidates for the perfect snap with each bite. The fresher the better as the softening process begins as soon as the cucumbers are picked. Stay away from standard slicing cucumbers, which tend to be larger, softer, and more watery, and opt for those that were recently harvested and feel firm and heavy for their size. Once you transform them, consider elevating your pickled cucumbers with soy sauce for a desirable boost of umami flavor.

What else can you pickle?

While cucumbers might be the poster child of pickling, there are other vegetables that maintain their texture and flavor through the process. Root vegetables like carrots, radishes, and turnips are excellent choices due to their dense texture that holds up well when pickled. Their natural sweetness also offers a flavorful contrast to the tangy brine. The sturdiness of cauliflower and cabbage also makes them popular options for crunchy, flavor-packed pickles.

The vibrant colors of beets, mixed bell peppers, okra, green beans, and asparagus also make for visually appealing, colorful pickles that retain their snap. Onions and garlic add depths of flavor to pickle mixtures or can even be pickled on their own for a zesty addition to hot dogs, spreads, and charcuterie boards. You can even be a resourceful pickle expert and prevent food waste by pickling watermelon rinds! Whatever you choose to pickle, it's worth noting that different ingredients are best suited for different vegetable pickling methods for optimum results.
