How To Choose The Best Clementines At The Grocery Store Every Time
Shopping for fresh produce is an essential part of every grocery trip. But unlike nonperishable items, fruits and vegetables have certain times of the year when they're in season — and picking out the perfect ones starts with understanding whether they are in season or were shipped in from far away. If you're searching for the best clementines, first know that their peak season runs from November to January. So, if you're buying them outside that window, they might be less juicy and flavorful than you expect. Plus, buying them in season usually means they're less expensive, which is a simple tip that saves you money when buying any produce in general.
Clementines look similar to fresh oranges, but they're smaller and a little flatter. Assuming you're purchasing these fruits in season, there are other things to look for to make sure you're buying the best of the bunch. Surprisingly, a clementine's color isn't the best telltale sign of whether it's fresh or not. Rather, when shopping, pick up each clementine and check for three things: firmness, weight, and scent. You'll want the juiciest fruits, and all three aspects play a role in gauging how succulent a clementine is.
How to determine the best clementines
First, you'll have to pick up the clementine to add it to your cart, and while you're at it, give it a gentle squeeze. If the clementine has a little bounce to it, then this is a good sign. It shouldn't be overly soft or overly firm, but slightly in either direction is fine. While you're holding it, take note of its weight. The juicier the clementine, the more it will weigh. So, if it's lighter than you anticipated, it could be dry and old; put it back and take a new one. It's a helpful tip that Carla Hall also recommends for picking out the freshest oranges.
Before tossing it in your grocery bag or cart, give it a little sniff. Clementines should have a distinct, sweet citrus scent that you can smell through the skin. This is a sign that there is plenty of juice inside the fruit.
Finally, when you do bring home those perfectly ripe clementines, store them the same way you'd store citrus fruits like oranges so they stay fresh for longer — in the refrigerator. As long as you follow these steps and pick out clementines that aren't already past their prime, they should last for between one to two weeks in the fridge.