How To Choose The Best Grapefruit At The Grocery Store Every Time

Whenever you plan your weekly grocery haul, it almost always involves a trip to the produce section. Maybe this week you're planning a cocktail night featuring homemade palomas or looking for a perfect salad garnish — whatever the reason, you've found yourself standing in front of way too many grapefruits and need to choose the best one. There are many red and green flags to look for when buying produce at the store. When it comes to this tangy citrus fruit, observe its exterior color, shape, and weight for the best quality — but first, make sure you understand what kind of grapefruit you're buying.

The United States is the fourth-largest producer of grapefruit in the world as of 2023/24, and it grows many different varieties. For the best grapefruit, you should know what's in season, and the best time of year to purchase one varies depending on the type. Grapefruit grown in California reaches peak quality between January and August, while southern grapefruits from Texas and Florida are best between November and March. The small sticker on your store's grapefruit should note where it came from, which is step one to buying the best fruit.

There are three key components to buying the best grapefruit

Once you've established which grapefruit is in season, there are three major aspects to focus on: color, shape, and weight. Don't worry so much about the exact color or shade of the grapefruit's skin, since different varieties have different colors and tones. However, this color should be uniform all over the fruit and there shouldn't be any green spots on it.

As far as shape goes, look for grapefruits that are slightly flat on the top and bottom rather than perfectly round. That oval shape is actually an indication the fruit is ripe; a fully round shape suggests it was picked prematurely.

Finally, pick the grapefruit up and feel its density. Does it feel like it weighs more than it should? If so, that's a good sign because there is plenty of juice. It's the same trick that will also help you choose the absolute best lemons for juicing and pick the best pineapples at the store. A lighter-than-expected grapefruit is likely dried out and too old, so pick up a few and compare before adding one to your cart.
