How To Store Raw Sweet Potatoes
You've stocked up on sweet potatoes, feeling pretty good about all the cozy soups, casseroles, and fries in your future. Then, a week later, you reach into the pantry, only to find a shriveled, sprouting mess. Sound familiar? Sweet potatoes are one of those foods that don't last as long as you think they do if not stored properly. But don't worry, we're here to help.
Stored on your kitchen counter, raw sweet potatoes will last around two weeks. However, whole raw sweet potatoes can last up to a month when stored in a cool, dry, and dark place. You'll want to avoid direct light and harsh temperatures to keep them from spoiling too quickly. Think pantry, cellar, or a cupboard with a temperature between 50°F and 60°F. Skip the fridge, though — that's a common mistake everyone makes with sweet potatoes. While it might seem like a good idea, cold temperatures can change their texture and disrupt their natural sweetness. You'll also want to give your sweet potatoes some room to breathe! Avoid storing too many in one small space, and use a breathable container like a paper bag or a basket instead of plastic, which traps moisture and speeds up spoilage.
No matter how you store sweet potatoes, make sure to check on them regularly for classic signs of aging. Wrinkles, dark spots, and weird smells are all signs that you should probably toss 'em.
Storing already-cut sweet potatoes
While whole raw sweet potatoes can last multiple weeks when stored correctly, pre-cut sweet potatoes are a whole different story. If you're dicing up sweet potatoes for meal prep, know that they will only last around a day, and you'll need to act fast to keep them fresh. Once sliced, they lose their longevity and need to be refrigerated immediately, and cooked soon thereafter. Store the pieces in an airtight container or cover them tightly with plastic wrap in the fridge. To stop them from browning, keep the sweet potatoes submerged in cold water during refrigeration.
If you need to store them longer, freezing your sweet potatoes is an option, but you won't want to do it while they're raw. Boil diced sweet potatoes in water, blanch them, or cook them entirely before drying the pieces and placing them into freezer-safe bags for up to six months.
Sweet potatoes are versatile and packed with nutrients but require careful handling to avoid waste. By freezing or refrigerating them properly, you'll always have these orange powerhouses ready to go for fries, soups, or side dishes. You could even use sweet potatoes to upgrade a boring potato salad, or add roasted sweet potatoes to vegetarian sandwiches.