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The Worst Diet Soda You Should Put Right Back On The Shelf

Despite the fact that diet soda seems to have taken the world by storm, whether it be for its potential health benefits or its unique taste, that does not mean all diet sodas are created equal. That is, in our ranking of 15 of the most popular diet sodas, there are definitely a few that fall to the bottom of the list. Chowhound found out exactly which ones are the worst, and while a particular ginger ale didn't earn the literal last place, it wasn't far off. Canada Dry Zero Ginger Ale narrowly beat out Diet Mountain Dew (the worst diet soda of all), coming in at a disappointing 14th place.

Regular Canada Dry Ginger Ale was created in an attempt to make the average ginger ale "lighter," and founder John J. McLaughlin's creation was extremely popular during Prohibition as a mixer for strong gin. However, going diet seemed to be the drink's fatal flaw. While the regular and diet versions offer a similar smell, the sugar-free beverage's flat taste is disappointing compared to the original. However, all hope is not lost, as Canada Dry Zero could absolutely still be used as a drink mixer. Only thanks to its ability to lessen the punch of a strong alcoholic drink, Canada Dry Zero pulled ahead against its dew competitor.

Why Canada Dry Zero Ginger Ale pales in comparison

Compared to the highest-ranked options on our list — Diet Dr Pepper, followed by Diet Coke, and Fresca Sparkling Soda Water, respectively — Canada Dry's take on zero sugar ginger ale falls flat in regards to its most important factor: taste. The beauty in the better soda brands is their ability to be consumed in place of a "regular" full-sugar soda, while diet Canada Dry is best used when paired with another beverage for an upgraded taste rather than consumed on its own. While this can definitely come in handy for anyone that finds themselves with a bottle of impotable, strong alcohol, an on-the-go soda drinker likely won't reach for a diet ginger ale at the store. Instead, one with a more pleasant flavor (like the best diet soda, Diet Dr Pepper) will be a more realistic pick.

The most important thing to remember, though, is that taste is subjective. While we found that Diet Mountain Dew and Canada Dry Zero Ginger Ale are disappointing compared to their 13 competitors, fans of regular Mountain Dew or Canada Dry may rate them differently on their own list. However, when the opportunity arises in the middle of the soda aisle to choose a sugar-free beverage to bring home, staying toward the top of our ranking may be a smart choice for newfound diet soda fanatics.
