Is It Better To Reheat Soup On The Stove Or In The Microwave?
There's nothing quite like indulging in a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter's day. While spooning fresh broth into our mouths warms both our bellies and hearts, leftover soup can taste just as magical too — as long as you reheat it right. Whether you prefer to warm some up using the stovetop or the microwave, both options are fair game when it comes to soup. Since these bowls of goodness are made up of so much liquid, you don't have to worry about them drying out as they reheat. No matter your method of choice, you just have to make sure the food reaches a temperature of 165 degrees before serving.
Both the microwave and stovetop are capable of thoroughly reheating a dish to a safe temperature, so choosing between the two is often just a matter of personal preference, although there are a few factors that might sway your decision. If you want lunch ready fast, with no extra dishes in the sink, the microwave might be the best way to go. But if you've got some time, and want to fill your kitchen with some heat and savory smells, then the stovetop might be the better choice. The type of soup could also play a role in picking between the two reheating methods.
Deciding between the stovetop and the microwave
While the microwave and stovetop can reheat almost any type of soup, thin, broth-based dishes like matzo ball soup might benefit the most from stovetop heat. Those wholesome bowls often need to reach a boil to kill off harmful bacteria before serving. Thicker stews that contain dairy, such as a creamy roasted tomato soup, might also do better on the stove, so you can keep a close eye on the dish as it slowly heats and keep it from splitting or curdling. To use this reheating method, pour leftover soup into a pot, stir, and let it simmer for a few minutes. (And yes, we do mean simmer, as boiling your soup is a big mistake.) Once it's cooled slightly, pour the reheated soup into bowls and serve.
For a faster reheating experience, you can always use the microwave. Thicker soups and stews without dairy may do better in the appliance. With the on-demand heating mechanism, you won't have to risk overboiling and potentially scorching the dish. To reheat soup in the microwave, start by stirring the contents of the bowl, cover it with a paper towel, then heat, making sure to rotate it as needed. The bottom line is this: Between the stovetop and the microwave, whichever method is better is up to you.