If You Want To Try Every Flavor Of SPAM, Head To This Minnesota Museum

Spam, with its instantly recognizable can and bright yellow lettering, is a force to be reckoned with in the culinary world — whether you love it or hate it. What's best about Spam, besides its convenience, is how easy it is to integrate into all kinds of meals. You can make a simple sliced Spam sandwich, but there are tons of ways to take Spam to the next level, too, including using it to make the iconic Hawaiian snack, Spam Musubi.

Nearly everyone knows what Spam is, but few people are aware that there are actually multiple flavors of Spam. In fact, there are precisely 15, including the classic flavor, lite varieties of it, and unique flavors such as teriyaki and chorizo. You can certainly look for the flavors on grocery store shelves, but if you want a guaranteed place to try every flavor, look no further than the SPAM Museum. Located in Austin, Minnesota, the SPAM Museum is dedicated to the history and iconography of Spam throughout the years. And, for those who cannot make the trek to Minnesota, live virtual tours of the museum are available by appointment.

All about the SPAM Museum

The SPAM Museum is acually an evolution of the Hormel Foods First Century Museum. Spam is a Hormel product and was already included in the museum; out of all the exhibits, the Spam sections were by far the most popular. As a result, the museum was later rebranded to be dedicated solely to Spam and its related products in 2001.

Austin, Minnesota is the homebase for Hormel Foods (including Spam), so it's only fitting that the museum resides there as well. Within the museum itself are galleries dedicated to Spam's history, ranging all the way from the evolution of the products' packaging to the product's role in World War II. There are also interactive exhibits available for families and younger children to enjoy. The best part about the museum is that admission is completely free. There are options for both self-guided and guided tours, both of which come at absolutely no cost.
